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3 supllmenLe orz grau splrullna chlorella alge marlne

My recommendation is to take 12g-18g oI spirulina per day, on an

empty stomach, or away Irom Iood as best you can. Leave 1 hour
aIter taking spirulina beIore eating, and 2 hours aIter eating beIore
taking it.
Maca can be taken in capsule Iorm or powder Iorm. To take in
powder Iorm sprinkle over cereal, in smoothies, or in other raw
recipes, (don't heat it or you will destroy it's nutrient content!) Take
2-6 grams per day. Don't take it in the evening as it can increase
energy levels and make it hard to sleep.
Chlorellal recommend taking at least 10 grams a day oI chlorella to see the
beneIits this wonder-Iood provides. For the most eIIective use oI
chlorella take it with spirulina on an empty stomach. Take 10-15
grams a day, split into 2-4 doses.

ZlnC Cl18A1 uL ZlnC
recommend between 60-80mg per day. And never more than
20mg in one dose. You also need to supplement with a little copper
whilst taking zinc, as zinc can cause a copper deIiciency. You
should be able to Iind a zinc citrate supplement with a little copper in
a single supplement. You want approximately 1mg oI copper Ior
every 20mg oI zinc.
VITAMINA C recommend 2000-3000mg oI vitamin c a day. Take with Iood.
B-Complex Jitamins
I recommend 50-100mg oI B-Vitamins per day. Take with Iood.

Uleiuri vegetale
Grasimi saturate : oua lactate carne

Pt uleiuri vegetale:
ee (can eat)
Extra virgin coconut oil (can eat)
Se mai pot Iace si exceptii de la regula in cazul uleiurilor
Pt zahar :
Xylitol sau stevia sau algave nectar
9L graslml saLuraLe carne rosle oua
oily Iish like salmon, mackerel and sardines, and
even with occasional lean organic chicken and turkey
Pt lapte : lapte de migdale

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