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Cu88lCuLuM vl1AL

Address vC Lakhan Ma[ra
1eh Meham ulsLL 8ohLak Paryana
ConLacL nC09729361033
LMall lura[enderkumar098[gmallcom
8especLed slr
l have come Lo know LhaL Lhe posL menLloned as sub[ecL have fallen vacanL under
your klnd conLrol l wanL Lo offer servlces for one of Lhe same and accordlng glven
below my resume
O lnLermelaLe (10+2) from Paryana 8oard ln 2000
O Plgh school from Paryana 8oard ln 1998
O Llneman wlre man vocaLlonal educaLlonal 8hlwanl Paryana ln 2000
O l1l Welder LlecLrlcal Cas from Paryana 8oard ln 20022003
O 8aslc CompuLer knowledge
O ulploma ln Mechnlcal from nlML buslness Manlma[ra (CPu)

WC8k LxL8lLnCL
O Cne year apprenLshlp from MaruLl udyog LLd Curgaon from 2003 Lo 2004
MalnLenance ueparLmenL
O Cne year 8ry Alr (Asla) vL LLd gurgaon from nov 2003 Lo uec 2006
O Worked ln hunLer 1el Com lndla vL Curgaon
O resenLly worklng ln CM 1echnlcal SoluLlons vL LLd lSC 90012000 company C/C Clpla
LLd (Clpla SlsLer concern) vlll 8aroLlwala ulsLL Solan P from leb2008 Lo 1lll daLe

O CM 1echnlcal SoluLlons vL LLd (llghL lndusLrles ln sheeL MeLal fleld manufacLurlng of
panel parLlLlon heavy sLorng markeL poslLlon ln uomesLlc as well as exporL
!C8 8CllLL
Mechanlcal all MalnLenance Mechanlcalle faulL flndlng
8aslc knowledge of lndusLrlal LlecLrlcal
All neumaLlcLlecLrlc Pand Lools 8aplred
lndusLrlals lnsulaLlon and flxlng of pneumaLlc alr llnes
MalnLence generaLorAlr compressor lork LlfLer and all Machlne monLhely prevenLlve

laLher's name Sh 1ek 8am
uaLe of 8lrLh Aug/10/1981
MarLlal SLaLus Marrled

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