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MA8kL1 AnA?

SlS lC8 SCl1u8lnkS

SofL drlnks are wldely accepLed ln every parL
of Lhe world
MA8kL1 S18uC1u8L
1he sofL drlnks ls a global markeLlng phenomenon
1he success of adverLlslng and markeLlng Lhe producL
lles ln bllllons of consumer Lo drlnk Lhese lnsLead of
waLer or expenslng alLernaLlves
1he brand recognlLlon for Lhls lndusLry ls exLra
ordlnarlly hlgh
MA8kL1lnC S18A1LC? lC8 7u
W 7 Up was launched in India in 1992. it had a wonderIul
start becoming the largest selling brand in the category by
2002 .
W 7 Up is a brand oI a lemon-lime Ilavored soIt drink. The
rights to the brand are held by Dr Pepper Snapple Group
in the U S.
W 7 Up logo includes a red spot between the '7' and 'Up'; this
red spot has been animated and used as a mascot Ior the
brand as Cool Spot.
W 7 Up was positioned as a cool drink. The brand used Fido
Dido and certain imported commercial to position the
brand as a cool drink Ior the youngsters.
8Anu AnA?LSlS lC8 7uCCn1
W 1hls brand desplLe belng a epslco brand had falled
mlserably ln Lhe lndlan markeL Sadly lL ls noL
because of Lhe producL LhaL Lhe brand falled buL
because of Lhe markeLlng mlsmanagemenL
W 7 up was noL a successful brand 1he faulL lles ln Lhe
confused markeLlng sLraLegy adopLed by epslco
wlLh Lhls brand
W 1he problem wlLh 7 up was Lwo fold llrsL was Lhe
companys lack of lnLeresL ln Lhe brand and Lhe
caLegory and second was Lhe poslLlonlng confuslon
CCML1l1lCn AnAL?SlS lC8 7u
W ls a LransparenL lemonllme flavored produced by Lhe
CocaCola Company lL was lnLroduced ln Lhe uS ln 1961 1hls
was Cokes response Lhe popularlLy of 7 up
W 7up and SprlLe are Lwo of Lhe leadlng brands when lL comes
Lo clear sodas
W 1hese Lwo brands of LransparenL sodas have many slmllarlLles
ln LasLe buL also have many dlfferences
W CannaballzaLlon mlghL be anoLher reason for lLs
currenL markeL poslLlon (MounLaln dew)
W ecause of Lhe companys lack of lnLeresL ln Lhe brand 7up
and Lhe poslLlonlng confuslon
W nowSprlLe became Lhe markeL leader ln Lhe lemon soda
CCnSuML8 S1uu?

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