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Find Your Purpose In 20 Mins or Less

How to Find Your Purpose and Live Life On Your Terms

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The supreme accomplishment is to blur the line between work and play Arnold Toynbee

Before we start, I want to express my gratitude to you for taking the time to read Find Your Passion in 20 Mins or Less. I really appreciate it. This In this course, you will learn a very simple technique that will help you discover your purpose in life. I have made use of this same technique in reconnecting with my purpose. I congratulate you on your quest towards knowing your purpose and gaining from such knowledge. Do you realize that only a few people in the world are actively searching for their lifes purpose like you are? Think about that. There are literally millions of people in the world who have accepted to live an ordinary and bland life. Such people are complacent about their situation and will not make any commitment to raise their standard of living. Everyone desires to live a comfortable life, one with less work and more vacation. Whether it is working from an underdeveloped country outside the United States, working from home or building a business empire where you call the shots, the case is the same. I am very excited that you have allowed me to take this first step of your journey with you, which is to identify your purpose. If you make this a priority in your life, by the time you finish this report, you will be able to identify your life purpose, and pursue it with the vigor and energy of a determined individual. There are numerous stories of people who are now living their purpose, despite coming from humble backgrounds. Although some people have it better than others, you should always remember that there is always someone who has had it tougher than you and I, but found a way to overcome all their obstacles and made success out of hardship. Life is about making the most of what has been bestowed unto you, not by man, but by the Universal Power responsible for the creation of all that exists. We all have the power within us to do some incredible and astonishing things within this short window of time called life. Our lives are far too precious to hold back from not living our dreams. There is no time like the present to get started and find out what energizes you.

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You are living in the greatest period in the history of man. Let us make it count by taking advantage of all opportunities and releasing our inner strength. Ready?

Lets get started!

A Common Reality
Before we get into the technique of what you can do to find your purpose in 20 minutes or less, there is the need to talk about the unique opportunity that you and I have been given. We live on a planet filled with abundance. We have an abundance of energy, people and, of course, opportunities. More than ever before, utilizing the awesome power of the Internet, anybody from anywhere can live a more prosperous and fulfilling life, one in which we are free to live a life on our own terms by our ability to serve others through our own creative skills and talents. The only challenge is that none of us was born with a set of instructions that shows us how to make the optimal use of our unique resources. Thus, there is disturbing gap between who we are now and who we were meant to be. This feeling creates a lack of purpose about life and confusion about why we are here, thereby beclouding our visions. Those who have yet to find their purpose are strongly influenced by the spell of social hypnosis. As a result, many tend to assimilate and depend on archaic forms of living and social interpretation of life. Unfortunately, this practice is handed down from generation to generation. Starting from when you are very young, the ingrained pattern goes like this: Go to school, get good grades and degrees, then a good job, get married, have kids, save for retirement and, of course, give up your dreams. This mantra moves us further away from abundance and pulls us closer towards scarcity. At the end of the day, we end up spending most of our lives worrying about how to make money to survive as opposed to what makes us come alive so

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we can thrive. It has become the expectation of society to aspire for a high-income job with benefits even if it does not reflect our personality, skills, preferences, background or beliefs. This common, destructive pattern of thought leads to emptiness and in turn leads to the creation of a conventional life. To fill this palpable void, one will have to travel down the path of the external pursuit for happiness. Getting more millions, palatial mansions or hi-tech gadgets is never the ticket to a fulfilled life. It is difficult to live a prosperous life by using fraudulent means. My intention is not to discredit people who are gainfully employed. In fact, I admire anyone who is willing to work for it, because they are not sitting down waiting for a hand out. What I am passionate about is helping you get to that next stage of life, one that brings genuine piece and fulfillment through the internal alignment of your gifts, turning them into outwardly strengths. The essence is to steer you to living an unconventional life, one in which you get paid for doing what you love and are passionate about. Therefore, your work revolves around life, instead of the other way round. The journey to such a fantastic life defined by your terms starts with the awareness of what you want. Think of your mind as garden and you as the farmer. The garden does not care about what seed you plant; it simply grows the seeds that you have planted. If your mission is to just pay the bills, your mind will find a way for you to do just that, no more no less. If you plant the seed of becoming a person who brings values by expressing it through your unique purpose, then you can do that as well. The point is that if you are unhappy with the harvest of your current life, you have to change the seeds that you decide to plant and remove the weeds that are destroying your garden. Your life will change when you become aware that you are the farmer and have to ability to start changing the direction of your life today, if you desire. This feeling of empowerment will reawaken you and allow you to become more conscious of your thoughts and ideas. When you truly wake up, your body and spirit will become more aligned and you will begin to notice the inner voices in your mind. You will notice the good, the bad and the ugly things you say to yourself. As you become more conscious of your thoughts, you will have this initial feeling that you have lost control. This is natural. There is no need to panic or become

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anxious at this stage. However, the more you notice and direct the thoughts, you will start to understand that you have the ability to influence and change them. This makes you more powerful in your ability to modify your thought processes. When you fully take charge of your thoughts, you have the power to take full control of your life.

Listen to Your Heart

Seek out that particular mental attribute which makes you feel most deeply and vitally alive, along with which comes the inner voice which says. This is the real me, and when you have found that attitude, follow it. --James Adams

In early 2010, I was working at a superb startup company. Considering the fact that I had been into personal development since my college days, I wanted to dig deeper into the industry. My boss was very inspiring. He had written a book by the time he was 27 and had put himself in a position by the time he was 29 to make a mid six-figure income. The office environment was ideal for me because, as of late 2009 while I was still looking for jobs, I promised myself that I was not going to take a position that would require me to wear a suit to work. And interestingly, the company had a nosuit policy. The pay was okay and vacation time fair enough. Since there were only three of us working in the office -- my boss, my co-worker and I -- the work was always quite demanding, with some days more challenging than others. My boss was very much into personal growth and development so he required that we both set goals for the month and plan out our day the night before. In addition, we would block out an hour and half at the end of every Friday to celebrate our accomplishments and find ways to strategically overcome our shortfalls in order to make improvements for the next week. From many people's perspectives, including my own, I would say that I was lucky to land a job that I actually liked. In spite of all these, I still had this unsettling feeling inside that something was missing.

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It all started during the commute from work. I used to live in New Jersey and would have to commute to work in NYC via the Lincoln Tunnel. Normally the ride took about 20 minutes or so depending on traffic. Upon my arrival to the city, as I walked to work from port authority -- immediately after stepping foot on 42nd street -- I would get surrounded by hundreds of thousands of people trying to get to work on time. Like most days, I just put my nose the ground and starting trekking along, but this particular day was way different. Suddenly without warning, a voice discretely popped into my head: Is this what you really want? The voice wasnt taunting me or anything like that; it was merely asking a simple question. I pondered on the question for a block or two before heading to my office. I finally answered, "Yes!" as I got on the elevator to my office.

Stories We Tell Ourselves

As time progressed, the voice that was once a random visitor in my mind had forced his way up to becoming a regular guest. As opposed to making sales calls, working on standard operation procedures or organizing document, the voice that had previously posed the question continued to swarm in my head. Is this what you really want? Like a father holding a crying baby in the public, I found myself desperately trying to silence my inner voice. At that point in my life, I was finally becoming more stable. I was receiving steady paychecks; I was getting a fascinating insight into the world of self growth, and meeting many renowned authors, speakers and gurus. Besides that, the last time I listened to a similar voice, I faced some serious roadblocks, which caused me to experience not one, but two different lows after graduating college. While I was brought up to value the entrepreneurial spirit, the love of vocation, the hunt to find the more in life, I had already failed twice though nave decision making and was not interested in failing for a third time. So I figured, yeah, I hear this voice but just because I heard it doesnt mean I had to listen to it, right?

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So, I chose to ignore the voice.

Taking the Leap

As I rapidly approached one year of working with the company, I had received more responsibility, my income rose and I was able to work from home 3 out of 5 days. However, with all this progress, the emptiness inside continued to grow. I felt numb inside. It was a lack of inspiration, a lack of purpose; I didnt feel like I was living, only existing. I was trapped in a glassy cage of emotions ready to crack at any moment. Underneath this mental noise, I felt the tiny inner voice asking its question: Are you sure this is your path? Immediately, I smothered the voice with excuses as to why I should stick with my current career: the money, the stability, the team. After all, many people hated their jobs, and I actually liked mine most of the time. Suddenly, it hit me: I was afraid. I did not want to run the risk of hitting another rock bottom. So I had created a story that I told myself in order to protect me from getting hurt. Pretty much after college, after reading the book Awakening the Giant From Within by Anthony Robbins, I knew that I wanted to impact peoples lives in a positive way, as he has impacted the lives of millions. But I was uncertain as to how I could serve as value to others. I was paralyzed by the fear of the unknown. Yet, if I actually listened to the voice inside, I realized it was telling me to trust the unknown. It was telling me to follow the path that made me afraid, excited and curious. It was telling me to follow the path of the uncommon.

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The Path of the Uncommon

At some point in their lives, many people ask themselves this same question: Am I doing what I should be doing with my life? Am I on the right path? And more importantly, How do I know the right path when I find it? The most relevant time to date that I felt this feeling, was right before I left my job. Deep down inside my soul I knew what I wanted but was too scared to go after it because I was afraid that I might go broke, fail and end up looking for employment just to keep the lights on. There is nothing wrong at job to keep the lights on, while you work toward dreams. But I had the experience on what I needed to do in order to make money with my purpose, but fear had its tight grip on me. Then one day in September, something completely unexpected rocked my world in such a way that I had no choice but to pay attention: My mother -- my hero and mentor -- was suddenly admitted to the Mount Sinai Hospital. Her cancer had relapsed and came back more aggressive than ever before. This experience caused me to take a really deep look inside and made me realize just how precious life really is and how little time each one of has on this earth. She was only 61 years old but death had come to knock on her door. That was a defining moment in my life. The next morning, instead of pondering the next years employee contract, I went straight to my office, looked my boss in his face and told him how grateful I was for his mentorship as well as the opportunity to work with him in his company. I explained that the position was right for someone else, but it was ultimately not right for me. Many thoughts and emotions were racing through my mind: What was condition of my mother? How was I going to support myself? Will I be good enough to make it? What happens if I fail? I had no idea how things were going to turn out but there was certainly no turning back now.

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The Road Ahead

Since that fateful decision, I never looked back. Being an entrepreneur has provided me the space to create the life situation that I enjoy most, combining work and travel to develop projects that I infuse with my full passion and energy. Certainly, the unknown has been stressful and more challenging than a regular 9-5 job. Nevertheless, the rewards are felt every day. As each month passed, something really strange happened: I had enough money to carry me through to the next month. More responsibilities came faster than anticipated a year after my mother passed on. However, I still rose to the challenge in order to make it to the next month. Even with all the fear of not being good enough, I realized something that my mom used to regularly say to me: God will never give you more than you can handle. It turned out that the fear of not being good enough is nothing more than a feeling that we choose to act on. Just like any feeling, we can choose to act on it, ignore or change it. I chose to change it to create the feeling that I am good enough. Therefore I am. I am not perfect, but who is? When I was able to overcome this gripping fear of the unknown, I began to succeed. This feeling has not vanished. It still remains very real and at any moment if I choose to let that feeling be the dominant voice in my mind, failure, self sabotage and setbacks are waiting patiently around the corner. But because I recognize that this is choice, to beat it I simply chose to overcome it. Of course, not all inner voices speak the same. However, if you calm your mind, took a deep breath, and really listened

What is your inner voice telling you?

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3 Ways to Overcome Any Fear

We are born on this earth with two fears: the fear of falling and the fear of loud noises. All other fears weve learn has developed over time. You may fear following your purpose because you fear failing and going broke. You may fear speaking in public due to the feeling of being embarrassed. You may be afraid to ask someone out on a date because of the fear of rejection. No matter what fear you face, there is one thing that's certain: Fear will never disappear just because you ignore it. There are many techniques out there that will teach you how to overcome fear. Some are helpful and others are not. No matter what the technique, the bottom line is that if youre going to overcome your fear it must happen through conscious and deliberate focus on doing things that make you feel afraid. Before digging into the 3 Ways to Overcome Fear, I think its important to understand that fear is not always a bad thing. Contrary to what many people say, fear can actually be good, especially when it keeps us from jumping off a 100 story building with no parachute. When fear is used to prevent us from harming ourselves or others, it is a self governing tool to help keep us alive and civil. Fear, however, is unacceptable when it prevents us from taking risks that could bring us closer to our lifes purpose. As it falsely poses as an illusion of safety, fear actually keeps us trapped in our comfort zone. When we allow it to dictate our existence, fear becomes a thief that robs us from the richness that life could otherwise hold for us. Now, that weve gotten that out of the way lets get to the meat of this post. Here are three of the most effective ways I know to overcome fear. Effective Way # 1: Break Them Up As the old adage goes, How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time. We shouldnt try to overcome anything overwhelming in a day. The easiest and most

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effective way I know to overcome the overwhelming feeling of fear is to simply break it down into manageable steps. Start from where you are now and then work out actionable steps you need to take so that you may reach your desirable outcome. The act of breaking things up and writing it down on a piece of paper takes fear out of your mind, making the process a lot less scary. It also adds a value of clarity on the things you already know what to do, as well as the things that you might have overlooked. When you become focused on one step at a time, you will feel much more inspired and motivated to take action.
Action Step:

Pick a fear that you want to overcome. Make a list of three small action steps you believe you can take right now, and then do a step each day. Or if it takes longer than a day to do a step, lay it out in blocks of weeks. The easiest way to gain momentum is to get started. The trick is finding a way to keep getting started until you get the ball rolling. Effective Way # 2: Overlook It As humans, we have become excellent at looking at our fears and projecting them to turn out in the worst possible outcome. We have become systematically conditioned to fear failure. Many of us have found a way to physically grow older but mentally digress as we let our logical brain overshadow our once child-like optimism. Yet, it would be silly to tell a child before he or she learns to read not to bother learning because they will sometimes fail to correctly sound out words, or tell them there is a high risk of becoming confused when they dont understand an idea. A mature adult would tell them about all the benefits of learning. They would tell them that there is a sea of wonderful words out there waiting to be explored. They

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would sell them on the fun and excitement waiting just beyond the edge of where they stand. The same positive outcome that you would sell a child on reading is the same benefit you should sell yourself on overcoming your fear. When you look beyond your fear into a place of whats possible, it can inspire you to do what needs to be done so you can live life on the edge of your fear. If you are going to improve your life you are going to have to expand your psychology. To overcome your fears, you must throw out the old way of thinking about what could go wrong and starting looking at the possibility of what could go right. Understand that no matter the outcome, you will always be happier giving it your best rather than living with a mind full of what ifs and regrets. Action Step: Grab a piece of paper and take inventory of the benefits of acting inspite of your fear. What would life be like for you once you overcome it? How would you feel about yourself when you reach your desired outcome? Who else beside yourself could benefit, once you overcome this fear? How might your life be different if you werent afraid of it? Effective Way # 3 Reframe To reframe simply means to shift the way we look at our fears and make them appear less threatening. For, instance many people (i.e. me) have a difficult time overcoming the fear of rejection. Lets say our current belief about rejection is that its the end of the world. To reframe that belief, all we would have to do is change the meaning. Instead of looking at rejection as the end of the world, we can instead look at it as instant feedback to improve.

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I know this is true for me serving as an information broker in the personal development community. One of the requirements to make money was that I had to pitch to famous authors and speakers to sell them on the idea of becoming a client of mine. In the beginning, whenever I approached a client whose book I read or product I purchase, my fear and anxiety would rapidly build up. Since college, Ive always wanted to be a famous author and speaker. However, since I had not yet reached that goal I saw myself as being insignificant to them. My belief was there was no way I could convince them to work with me. I had become so attached to the outcome that the feeling of approaching them became overwhelming. I frequently shifted my focus to by doing other activities to keep me busy until the anxiety settled (see: procrastination). Once the feeling was gone, instead of going back to pitching, I would make excuses as to why I couldnt go back. I hated the feeling of potentially being rejected so much that I would let days (even weeks) go by before I would revisit the idea of approaching them again. But I knew the fear would not go away, so I either had to reframe the way I looked at this fear to get a different result or keep doing what I was doing and hope to God the situation would change. I knew the latter was clearly insanity, so I went with the former. Reframe your brain It is our job to train our brain to identify when something is dangerous verses an opportunity to grow. The way I overcame this fear of pitching to these authors was by reframing how I looked at being rejected. Instead of viewing myself as being insignificant to them and making rejection the end of the world, I looked at myself as a student of success. I considered any type of rejection a learning experience that I would eventually use to profit from. With each rejection I became more motivated. I kept asking other brokers for feedback and even asked the prospects who rejected me on what I

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could do to improve. Surprisingly enough many were eager to help. A few even became clients. The most important thing, however, was the fact that I kept pitching. Over time, I would get less anxious to ask and less hurt when rejected. After a while, it just became second nature. Looking back on the experience now and looking forward to experiences ahead, what I have found is that when you reframe the fear of rejection, or any other fear for that matter, as an opportunity to learn and grow, the anxiety begins to turn into excitement. We are much more likely to take action with something that we are excited about rather than with something we fear. So what if we get rejected, so what if we fail? Life is pretty simple: If you never fail, you never learn. The more you fail, the more you grow, and the quicker you will reach success. The truth is, the act of being rejected is nothing more than an isolated moment in time. Always remember that its never the event that happens to us that makes us who we are; its the conversation we have in our mind about the event that makes all the difference in the world. Action Step: Pick a fear that you want to overcome; write down how you feel about it at the present. Then, write down what you could learn from doing it.

After that, write down the person you would become once you overcome your fear. Write down reasons why you must do it. Then go do it.

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You Already Know Your Purpose

Let me ask you a counter-intuitive question. What if I told you that you already know your purpose? Most people would respond to that question with something like, Yeah right, if I knew it Id be doing it. Before finding my purpose, I would have probably said something to that effect as well. The truth is that we were all born with a set of unique gifts. This lifetime is all about reconnecting to this emotional mission. I should have named this report Reconnect With Your Purpose in 20 Minutes or Less. The idea that you have to "find" something assumes that it is missing. When you have to "find" a new job, your job is missing. The belief is that a new job is the answer to all problems. In reality, it was this type of thinking that caused your problems in the first place. That thought suggests that you will find something external that will make you happy. The first step is to let go of the idea that you have to find your place in the world. There is nothing to find because you already have all the answers you seek. How does that make you feel? You are perfect as you are. Own that feeling. How different would your life be if you carried that belief without a shadow of doubt everywhere you go?

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Finding Your Purpose in 20 Minutes or Less

In my opinion, people change for one of two reasons: Either through the force of inspiration or through desperation. Whatever ation you may be facing at the moment there is no doubt that is most best time in the history of man. Some people are reading this report because they have seen the writing on the wall and do not want to wait until they get to place of desperation before they do something different. Others have received the hard knocks of reality causing them to think in a different way. Irrespective of the reason, the result is the same and you are here because you know there is a purpose bigger than the confinement of your job. As simple as that sounds, many people in our society are living a common and unproductive life because they are disconnected from the source of special gifts and they never think they have the power to control their thoughts. The mind is an excellent slave, but it is a terrible master. The thing that we think about most will sure come to pass in our life. If you want to find your purpose, plant that seed of thought in your mind; make that your primary focus and do not let your internal negativity get the best of you. Remember, you should control your thoughts and not the other way round. So how do you find your purpose in 20 minutes or less? While there are many ways to do this, here is one of the simplest ways to go about it.

The 6 Step Process

This is a 6 step process to help you find your purpose by targeting the things that make you come alive. My suggestion is to answer all the questions and be honest with the answers. Look at this exercise as a compass that will help point you in the right direction to help guide you with your journey. The more open you are to this process and the more you expect it to work, the faster it will work for you. But not being open to it or having doubts about it wont prevent this process from working as long as you stick with it. It will just take longer to converge.

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Step 1 Lets start off by answering some questions: What could I find myself talking to someone for hours without any sign of tiring? Over the years what thoughts or ideals have continuously come up that Ive be yearning to explore?

What industry would I love to be the king/ queen of?

What am I authentically curious about?

What activity do I love doing that makes me feel fulfilled?

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Step 2: Lets find some moments of greatness Admit it or not --you are great, the proofs in the pudding and Im about to show you. You and I have had many moments in time where we simply loose ourselves in the moment. For the sake of helping you rediscover your purpose I want you go back there. To find out where you want to go in the future sometimes a great indictor is where youve already been.

What solutions do people frequently come to you for?

What subjects do you feel excited about getting started?

What activities do you feel most competitive?

Step3: Pick Three Topics Heres how it works: you pick a list of topics that resonate most with the answer you came up with in step 1 and step 2. What are 3 topics that you are deeply passionate about? To show you an example lets pick three imaginary topics:
Topic # 1 Topic # 2 Topic # 3

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Step 4: The Elimination Process Here is where you test your level of effectiveness in each category. For each topic that you have picked I want you to run it through these series of questions. Remember! Dont think that you have you dont have to be the expert at this you just have be a few steps ahead of the people that you want to help. To teach a kid how to play a sport you dont have to be professional coach you just have to know the basics in order to get them in the game.

Topic # 1 Relationships Write Yes or No Are there people actively seeking help in your topic of interest? In your own life have you overcome a common challenge that people in your topic of interest need help? Can you offer a proven solution that works or are you committed to finding a solution? Have you helped someone through this challenge in the past or would you like to help some in the future? Yes

Topic # 2 Sailing Write Yes or No Yes

Topic # 3 Cooking Write Yes or No Yes










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Is the solution valuable enough for someone to pay you for it? Can you see yourself providing the solution to this challenge for the next 5, 10 or even the next years of your life? Tally up the totally yes from each column







After running through the questions what have you come up with? Did you get six yess for all 3 topics or two topics or is there one topic that dominates the other two? Let start with the most obvious scenario: If there is one topic that 6 yess while the other two have less than your purpose will become self evident. What happens if you have 6 yess for two or more chooses? Thats totally okay because there are many things out there in life that will get us excited, but for the purpose of focus we must choose one in order to get started. Example: Lets say that got 6 yess for relationships, 6 yess for sailing and 6 yess for cooking. At that point you just have to compare one topic to the other and find the one you are most passionate about. Lets say you pick relationships and you compare it to sailing but after you compare the two you find you are more passionate about sailing. Then you cross out relationships. Relationships

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Sailing Cooking At this point you are left with two topics. From there you compare sailing to cooking. After funneling the two topics through your heart, youve find that you actually enjoy cooking more than sailing. Sailing Cooking Then Badabing! Cooking is your purpose. Step 5: Overcome the Biggest Fear We are not born knowing exactly who we are this is why we call life a journey. Its our mission, if we choose to accept it, to explore what makes our heart tick and build an authentic relationship with our soul because there is no greater discovery in the world than getting to you know yourself. The biggest fear many people have is the belief that they will pick the wrong purpose and waste much of their precious time heading down the wrong path. Dont worry the feeling is natural. You can always adapt and change the topic that youve chosen if it doesnt excite you, remember we are not edging anything in stone here. This exercise is just a way help you hone into your passion so get busy living. As the old adage goes, Nothing ventured, Nothing gained. There are far worst things then picking the wrong purpose, one that comes to mind is sitting on the side lines and speculating the possibilities of how life could have been, if you just had taken more risks. Im here to tell you that every venture spent making a run towards living your purpose is a pursuit worth taking. In my opinion the best way to predict your future is to create it. You may not successfully get there the first run as you planned, living your purpose does not

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happen overnight, but it can and will happen over many nights compounded over time, if you just give yourself a fighting chance. As you go along the way if the topic doesnt excite you, its your life and you can always choose another topic that suits you better than the first. You dont have to quit your job and put it all on the line you just need to get started. Say it with me, LETS GET STARTED!!! Step 6 Turn Your Purpose into Profit After doing this exercise I found that I am extremely passionate about helping people find their purpose and life on their terms. The way I got started was I just searched for people who were doing what I wanted to do. For the ones who resonated with me the most I simply subscribed to their newsletter and over the course of months, I observed how they communicated to their audience and how they made money. This is how I eventually gravitated towards the platform of blogging as a means to start helping people. Blogging of course is by no mean that only way to live your passion but after carefully identifying what I wanted in business and life--- the ability to travel, write about a topic Im passionate about, work from home with no boss and much more, this platform suited me best. If youve always been curious about blogging but unsure of what it is or how to do it, I suggest you read this free eBook, Blog Profit Blue Print, this will quickly bring you up to speed about the blogging world. To this day, Ive purchased and looked through many different training programs on how to blog, but Ive have yet to find an eBook so packed with such useful content. In my humble opinion this eBook gives you more value than most intro courses that you have to pay for.

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Here are: 5 Ways to Monetize Your Purpose through Blogging Sponsorship Advertisements Sell Someone Elses Product Sell Your Own Product Freelance Coaching There are many other ways to make money doing what you love, but to get started these are the most common. Final thoughts Finding your purpose is one of the most productivity activities you can spend your time doing. Most people never even take a minute to sit down and think about their purpose; this is why so many spend their time carrying out the purpose of someone else. When you are not working in harmony with your purpose, this causes a constant internal struggle. Once you find your purpose, it is your job to live it so you can help others. Then, and only then, will you be able to escape from the common life to the uncommon life. Thank you for signing up to Cheers to Your Uncommon Life, Justin Tillman.

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