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O 1200 employees 900 workman + 300 managers/supervlsors

O O amounL of prod no of shlfL no of man days no of supervlsors(depends on buslness)

Annual esLlmaLlon 7030 generally doesn'L requlre ad[usLmenL 6 monLhs revlew

O nLernal 9(nLernal selecLlon process) 9romoLlons nLernal Lransfers Lralneeregular
ConLracLregular flxed Lerm asslgnmenL (34 yrs)
O xLernal Adv mployee referral consulLanLs campus recrulL Walkln Web porLal(naukrl Llmes [ob)
O ,an power plannlng sheeL(xcel) lasL 3 yrs daLa from varlous sources pool
xcel sheeL ls provlded by corporaLe P8
O Annual esLlmaLlon 7030 generally doesn'L requlre ad[usLmenL 6 monLhs revlew ,osLly fuLure
qLr(Approve by ,)

O Workman 213(welder flLLer grlnder)
O ,anger band speclflc k8A(key resulL areas) goal prlmary resp secondary resp org sLrucLure llnklng
paLLern sLafflng Lurnover achleve
O 8equlremenLs 9rovlded by dlvlslon
O Pay [ob evaluaLlon meLhod
O Workload 8 hrs [ob man hrs shlfLs sLandard esLlmaLlon
O no overLlme

O no wrlLLen doc denLlfylng LalenL(respecLlve depL) 23 of LoLal managemenL sLaff 8and speclflc
O @ralnlng (vl[ay's case) (C9 8An same meLhod) band dlfferenL(funcLlonal head)

O Work llfe balance
O 8eLenLlon Plgher aLLrlLlon raLe

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