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1hls adverLlsemenL

has used a hype A

hype ls when we uslng
words such as besL or
greaLesL Lo geL Lhe
cosLumers exclLed
abouL Lhe producL lor
Lhls ad Lhey used
vlvld sllm and fasL"
%veryLhlng you
need Lo shooL
llke Lhe pros)
1hls adverLlsemenL
ls a clalm A clalm ls
someLhlng LhaL Lhe
adverLlsers say
abouL Lhere producL
and whaL lL could
do buL lL mlghL noL
be Lrue lor Lhls ad
Lhey use
veryLhlng you
need Lo shooL llke
Lhe pros"
1hls adverLlsemenL
uses slogans or a
Lagllnes A slogan or
a Lagllne ls a shorL
phrase or a caLch
phrase LhaL makes
Lhe cosLumer
remembers lL lor
Lhls ad lL ls a greaL
way Lo fly"

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