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The technique used in this advertisement is Slogans and Taglines.

Slogans and taglines is a short phrase to represent the company, an example would be Live for Greatness

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The technique used in this advertisement is Figurative Language, to be more specific, the technique used in figurative language is Rhyme . Figurative language is used to make what the writers say stick with you, other types of figurative language would be alliteration, repetition, etc. An example would be Bitten and Smitten in Once bitten, forever smitten.

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The technique used in this advertisement is Claim. Claim is putting information on what a product can do and the benefits of it. An example from this advertisement would be you can go from a subtle heat to rapid boil in seconds. It is precise enough to soften a block of chocolate so it holds its shape all day, and powerful enough to bring frozen water to the boil in just a few minutes.

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