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VERB TENSES 8th year

Put the expression He drives in: Present simple Affirmative Negative Interrogative Present continuous Affirmative Negative Interrogative Past simple Affirmative Negative Interrogative Past continuous Affirmative Negative Interrogative Ele estava a conduzir Ele conduziu Ele est a conduzir Ele conduz Present perfect Affirmative Negative Interrogative Future Affirmative Negative Interrogative Conditional Affirmative Negative Interrogative Going to Affirmative Negative Interrogative Ele vai conduzir Ele conduziria Ele conduzir Ele tem conduzido

Answers to
Put the expression He drives in: Present simple Affirmative Negative Interrogative Present continuous Affirmative Negative Interrogative Past simple Affirmative Negative Interrogative Past continuous Affirmative Negative Interrogative Ele conduz He drives

VERB TENSES 8th year

Present perfect Affirmative Negative Interrogative Future Affirmative Negative Interrogative Conditional Affirmative Negative Interrogative Going to Affirmative Negative Interrogative

Ele tem conduzido He has driven He hasnt driven Has he driven? Ele conduzir He will drive He wont drive Will he drive? Ele conduziria He would drive He wouldnt drive Would he drive? Ele vai conduzir He is going to drive He isnt going to drive Is he going to drive?

He doesnt drive Does he drive? Ele est a conduzir He is driving He isnt driving Is he driving? Ele conduziu He drove He didnt drive Did he drive? Ele estava a conduzir He was driving He wasnt driving Was he driving?

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