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WhaL we looked lnLo?

Smells llke Leen splrlL was one of Lhe muslc vldeo we researched abouL Lo base our vldeo on we
choose Lo look aL Lhls song because lL was a muslc vldeo we agreed on LhaL we en[oyed Lo llsLen Lo
and we LhoughL Lhe vldeo conLalned people of a slmllar age Lo us so lL would be more easy Lo casL
for acLors Also Lhe LlLle of Lhe song 'Smells Llke 1een SplrlL' really encompases are feellng as
Leenagers who are frusLraLed by consLralnLs of soclal norms

Some ldeas we had LhaL would have been effecLlve?
We belleved Lhe song on Lhe whole had a
good beaL whlch we LhoughL ln Lhe edlLlng
sLudlo would be really good Lo have many
cuLs on and would really look effecLlve Also
Lhe openlng sequences ls someLhlng we have
fllmed ln Lhe pasL on a dlfferenL vldeo where
Lhe fooL Laps and Lhls worked well ln Lhe pasL
1he acLors ln Lhe orlglnal vldeo were all
Leenagers Lhls lead us Lo belleve LhaL casLlng
for Lhe vldeo would be easy due Lo Lhe facL
we are school sLudenLs and are surrounded by Leenagers

1he lssues we lncurred?
1he vldeo had many lssuse for us Lo compleLe on no
budgeL and llmlL Llme Cne lssue we LhoughL of was LhaL
we would sLruggle Lo geL LhaL many people LogeLher aL Lhe
same Llme due Lo noL belng able Lo pay people Lhey would
noL Lurn up on Lhe day of fllmlng Lo spend Lhelr Llme for
noLhlng ln reLurn

Also Lhe mlseenscene of Lhe muslc vldeo ls very
dlfflculL Lo recreaLe due Lo we canL geL access Lo a
sporLs hall wlLh blg sLands and Lhe aLmosphere
creaLed by Lhe draps ln Lhe background and Lhe
smoke machlnes used Lo creaLe Lhe undergound
negaLlve feellng would be more expenslve Lhan Lhe
money we have aL our dlsposal

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