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ArLlcle WrlLlng

WaLer ScarclLy
uone by
O ,anan
O Shounak
O arneeL
O SaLvlk
O ,ayukh


1here are abouL 1360 cublc kllomeLres of waLer on LarLh ,osL of Lhls waLer ls sLored ln
reservolrs such as Lhe oceans ln glaclers and lce caps underground and ln Lhe aLmosphere
97 of Lhe waLer on Lhe LarLh ls presenL ln Lhe oceans 2 ln glaclers a llLLle more Lhan half
of Lhe remalnlng ls sLored as ground waLer and Lhe remalnlng ls sLored ln lakes rlvers
weLlands and as waLer vapour uesplLe Lhls vasL amounL of waLer mosL of Lhe waLer ls Loo
salLy for human use 1hls lncludes all Lhe waLer ln oceans All Lhe usable fresh waLer ls sLored
as lce ln areas whlch are noL under Lhe reach of human belngs Cn Lhe LarLh only oneLhlrd
percenLage of waLer ls avallable for human use and more Lhan 97 of lL comes from Lhe
deep underground waLer

WaLer ls lmporLanL for all llvlng belngs 1he human body ls 70 waLer and Lhe blood of any
creaLure ls 93 waLer A human belng requlres an average of 2 llLres of waLer per day whlch
he geLs from Lhe food he eaLs and by drlnklng waLer dlrecLly owever ln splLe of Lhese
requlremenLs abouL 11 bllllon people don'L have access Lo safe drlnklng waLer leadlng Lo
Lhe deaLhs of Lhousands of people every day Whlle all Lhls happens prlvlleged people llke
us wasLe waLer wlLhouL carlng for Lhe people who are faclng waLer scarclLy

1he followlng Lable shows Lhe amounL of waLer used by an average person everyday
Act|v|ty Ga||ons used
1olleL llushlng 37 per flush
Shower(WaLer 8unnlng) 710 per mlnuLe
8aLh(lull 1ub) 3630
Laundry ,achlne(lull load) 60
ulshwasher 13
ulsh Washlng(8y and) 30
Shavlng 20(Lap runnlng)
8rushlng 1eeLh
Washlng ands
10(Lap runnlng)
2(Lap runnlng)

Cne of Lhe mosL exLenslve uses of waLer ls domesLlc use We use waLer for baLhlng
groomlng washlng cloLhes and dlshes cleanlng Lhe house waLerlng lawns washlng cars
fllllng pools and many more We wasLe a loL of waLer Lo carry ouL Lhese acLlvlLles AL Lhe
same Llme abouL 42 of Lhe world populaLlon face waLer scarclLy and causes Lhe deaLh of
3000 chlldren every day

WaLer ls sald Lo be scarce lf Lhere ls noL enough waLer(quanLlLy) or Lhe waLer avallable ls noL
safe for drlnklng cooklng and oLher such purposes(quallLy)WaLer scarclLy ls a problem faced
by many counLrles WaLer scarclLy ls usually seen ln developlng counLrles 1hls ls malnly
because of hlgh levels of waLer wasLage poor sanlLary condlLlons and lack of proper waLer
cleanlng faclllLles ,any counLrles are Lackllng waLer shorLage problems by lmprovlng Lhe
waLer condlLlons CovernmenLs of many counLrles are Laklng parL ln prevenLlng waLer
scarclLy 1he governmenLs are worklng ln unlson along wlLh oLher Clvll Servlce SocleLles and
pollLlcal parLles Lo Lackle Lhe slLuaLlon 1hey are fundlng many dlfferenL waLer sanlLaLlon
waLer supply and many more dlfferenL pro[ecLs Lo Lackle Lhe slLuaLlon of waLer scarclLy

unWaLer ls Lhe mechanlsm coordlnaLlng Lhe acLlons of Lhe unlLed naLlons (un) sysLem
almed aL lmplemenLlng Lhe agenda seL by Lhe ,lllennlum ueclaraLlon and Lhe World SummlL
on SusLalnable uevelopmenL ln all aspecLs relaLed Lo freshwaLer unWaLer has grown ouL of
many years of exLenslve collaboraLlon and parLnershlp among Lhe un Agencles 1hese
efforLs have helped Lo achleve slgnlflcanL progress and Lo brlng waLer and waLerrelaLed
lssues Lo Lhe Lop of Lhe pollLlcal agenda 1he large number of un Agencles deallng wlLh
waLer reflecLs Lhe mulLlple roles waLer plays ln our socleLles and Lhe complex lnLeracLlons lL
lmplles Advanclng Lhe lmplemenLaLlon of susLalnable waLer managemenL for Lhe beneflL of
all ls a collecLlve responslblllLy and challenge lL calls for coordlnaLed acLlon wlLhln Lhe un
sysLem and wlLh oLher parLners and sLakeholders lncludlng organlzaLlons from Lhe publlc
and prlvaLe secLors clvll socleLy and labour as parL of a global comprehenslve efforL 1he
maln purpose of unWaLer ls Lo complemenL and add value Lo exlsLlng programmes and
pro[ecLs by faclllLaLlng synergles and [olnL efforLs ln order Lo maxlmlze Lhe coherence and
effecLlveness of Lhe supporL provlded Lo counLrles pursulng Lhe goals agreed upon by Lhe
lnLernaLlonal communlLy 1hls ls ln llne wlLh Lhe lnLegraLed waLer resources managemenL
(lW8,) approach whlch calls for collaboraLlon among all sLakeholders ln waLer

Whlle Lhe world's populaLlon Lrlpled ln Lhe 20
CenLury Lhe use of renewable waLer
resources has grown slxfold WlLhln Lhe nexL flfLy years Lhe world populaLlon ls expecLed Lo
rlse by 40301hls wlll resulL ln an lncreaslng demand for waLer When Lhls happens only
Lhose counLrles whlch have been able Lo reduce Lhe waLer shorLage problems wlll be able Lo
prosper well

ClLles uLlllLles sLaLe governmenLs and Lhe federal governmenLs ln Lhe unlLed SLaLes of
Amerlca have addressed lssues llke waLer polluLlon scarclLy eLc ln varlous ways 1o keep
pace wlLh demands from an lncreaslng populaLlon uLlllLles LradlLlonally augmenLed supplles
owever faced wlLh lncreaslng cosLs and droughLs waLer conservaLlon ls beglnnlng Lo
recelve more aLLenLlon and ls belng supporLed Lhrough Lhe waLer federal sense program
1he reuse of LreaLed wasLe waLer for non poLable uses ls also becomlng lncreaslngly
common olluLlon Lhrough wasLe waLer dlscharges a ma[or lssue ln Lhe 1960s has been
boughL abouL largely under conLrol

As we can see above Lhe governmenL of Lhe uSA ls puLLlng Lremendous efforL Lo brlng down
Lhe problem of waLer scarclLy however ln Sudan lLs noL Lhe same

WaLer scarclLy puLs a Lremendous pressure on women ln Sudanese socleLy 1radlLlonally
Sudanese women were responslble for culLlvaLlng Lhe land whlch was Lyplcally noL a
problem as waLer was falrly plenLlful owever wlLh an onseL of droughL beglnnlng ln Lhe
1970s and Lhe Clvll War Lhls role has changed ,any women have been forced Lo move
Lhelr famllles Lo clLles noL only for proLecLlon buL also for Lhe opporLunlLy Lo make a llvlng lf
women choose Lo keep Lhelr famllles ln rural areas Lhey musL ofLen walk for mllesand Lhen
walL ln a llne for hours Lo flll a conLalner

1he waLer LhaL Lhese women rlsk Lhelr llves for may lead Lo dlsease 1hls ls because nearly
36 of reporLed hosplLallzaLlon cases ln Sudan are due Lo paraslLes presenL ln Lhe waLer

lL ls seen ln Lhe above reporL LhaL Lhe governmenL ln Sudan ls noL Laklng a sLep Lo prevenL
problems caused by waLer scarclLy 1herefore counLrles llke Sudan wlll face Lrouble ln Lhe
near fuLure

As lndlvlduals we can all keep a check on Lhe waLer used by us Lo conserve whaL ls becomlng
an ever more preclous resource uurlng droughLs we can hold off waLerlng our lawns we can collecL
raln waLer ln a barrel and use lL laLer we can Lurn of Lhe Lap whlle we brush or shave and Lake
shorLer showers As lL ls sald
uolng more wlLh less waLer ls Lhe flrsL and easlesL sLep along Lhe paLh Loward waLer conservaLlon"

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