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This company was founded by a couple, who were later ousted by the Venture Capitalist because of a request by their board of directors. One of them now tries to find intelligent life outside of earth while the other makes her money on the cosmetics market. Name the company? 2. In the mid-1980s Carnegie Mellon university embarked on an ambitious project to make a new kind of operating systems, which was later released by a consortium of companies and named OSF/1. Almost all operating systems made post-1990 borrow features from this particular model, and all versions of Mac OS X directly borrow on kernel design and code from this project. Name the project. 3. What was Java's codename? 4. Cryptography refers to the science/art of writing coded messages, i.e. building algorithms and systems which can encode messages. What is cryptanalysis? 5. What did Steve Wozniack do after leaving Apple? 6. What does the .mil top-level domain name designate? 7. This Hungarian immigrant is currently the chairman of a company which almost all of you know about and was also the time Man of The Year a few years back. Name him. 8. Steve Jobs said this would be the greatest invention of them all, Microsoft wanted to buy manufacturing rights to this invention, before they even knew what the invention actually did or was. Yet at the end of the day the invention turned out to be nothing more than a very expensive dud. What invention am I referring to? 9. This company was founded in an apartment rented by two students, and eventually the landlady joined the company started by her tenants. Which company am I referring to? 10.Firewire : Apple : : iLink : ? TI : ? 11. The generic term x86 (80586) could not be patented or trademarked. 12.Bell 103 by AT&T 13.What is so special about the information security company called "Defensive Thinking"?

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