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ChocolaLe Cooey 8uLLer Cookles (based on a reclpe by aula ueen on Lhe lood neLwork)

Makes 24 cookles preheaL oven Lo 330 degrees (afLer cookle baLLer has chllled)

1 brlck" of cream cheese (8 ounces) room LemperaLure
1 sLlck of buLLer room LemperaLure
1 egg
1 Leaspoon vanllla exLracL
1 box chocolaLe cake mlx (18 ounces)
owdered sugar for dusLlng
ln a large bowl uslng an elecLrlc mlxer cream Lhe buLLer and cream cheese LogeLher unLll
smooLh 1hen beaL ln Lhe egg and vanllla exLracL 1hen beaL ln Lhe cake mlx (1he baLLer wlll
be Lhlck) Cover and refrlgeraLe Lhe dough for 2 hours unLll Lhe baLLer ls flrm (uo noL omlL Lhls
sLep oLherwlse your baLLer wlll be Loo sLlcky and messy Lo roll lnLo balls 1he cookles wlll also
Lend Lo be flaL lnsLead of puffy and cakey)
8oll Lhe chllled baLLer lnLo Lablespoonslzed balls and Lhen roll Lhem ln Lhe powdered sugar
1he cookles wlll look qulLe large lace on an ungreased cookle sheeL 2 lnches aparL (12
cookles should flL on one cookle sheeL) 8ake 12 mlnuLes ln a preheaLed 330 degree oven
AfLer baklng Lhe cookles wlll be sofL and gooey LeL Lhe cookles cool somewhaL before
carefully removlng Lhem Lo a rack Cool compleLely and Lhen dusL wlLh powdered sugar
varlaLlons 1ry dlfferenL cake mlxes Lo change Lhe flavor of Lhe cookles such as vanllla splce
lemon sLrawberry or orange Also Lry addlng your favorlLe chopped nuLs such as walnuLs
macadamlas or almonds CLher addlLlons can be Lrled such as chocolaLe or buLLerscoLch chlps
l also wanL Lo Lry chopped peanuL buLLer cups caramel candles (such as 8olo) or chopped
Loffee blLs
CLher opLlons also lnclude (dependlng on Lhe flavor of cake mlx belng used) Lrylng dlfferenL
flavored exLracLs such as almond lnsLead of Lhe vanllla exLracL l also wanL Lo Lry mlnL exLracL
wlLh chocolaLe flavored cookles aL ChrlsLmas

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