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How to Make a Paper Mache Giraffe

by Jonni on May 23, 2009


Paper Mache GiraIIe
I`ve mentioned my giraIIe in a previous post, but I skipped over the directions because this
was an experiment Ior me. This is the largest paper mache sculpture I`ve ever done, and part
oI the process wasn`t very pretty. In Iact, I stopped taking pictures beIore the project was
There were many times during this project that I didn`t believe it would ever work. I`m glad I
kept going, though, because I`m very happy with her.
Today a reader asked Ior more detail about how this project was done, so here goes. I`m
aIraid you`ll have to use your imagination towards the end, because I don`t have photos oI all
the steps.
Making the Neck
The project began with a cardboard tube that I made Irom pieces cut Irom a cardboard box. I
cut several notches out oI the tube in the areas where I wanted the neck to bend, and then
taped it all back up again. You can see the progression Irom a straight tube to a curved
'neck below.

GiraIIe Neck, Step 1

GiraIIe Neck, Step 2

GiraIIe Neck, Step 3

GiraIIe Neck, Step 4
BeIore adding the head or any paper mache, I needed to weight the neck. Otherwise, the head
would cause the sculpture to Iall over. To do this I cut a circle oI cardboard and cut notches
into it, then Iolded it up to make a bottom Ior the tube. I then cut the tube almost all the way
through about eight inches Irom the bottom, and taped the new circular piece inside.
I put some plastic cut Irom a kitchen garbage bag into this bottom piece oI the neck and
poured in some plaster. When the plaster was hard, the bottom piece was taped back onto the
rest oI the neck. The photos below show how this was done.

GiraIIe Neck, Step 5

GiraIIe Neck, Step 6

GiraIIe Neck, Step 7

GiraIIe Neck, Step 8
Modeling the Neck and Head:
As you can see in the photo above, a lot oI crumpled paper and masking tape was added to
give the neck its tendons and general shape. Once I was reasonably satisIied with the shape, I
added several layers oI paper mache. The Iirst layer was made with strips oI newsprint and
Ilour and water paste, and the second layer was made Irom brown paper and paste. Some
additional smoothing was done with joint compound, not shown.
- When I Iirst discovered that you could use joint compound to smooth a paper mache
sculpture, it made things so easy I thought I was 'cheating. Now I can`t imagine not using
this inexpensive product, which you can Iind at any hardware store. You can see this being
used on several other tutorials on this site.

GiraIIe Neck aIter Adding Paper Mache
The photo below shows that I Iirst tried to add the head, made Irom crumpled paper and
masking tape, beIore adding any paper mache to the neck. I can`t remember why I removed
the head, although I believe it was because the shape wasn`t quite right and I wanted to do it
Anyway, at some point a basic Iorm Ior the head was added using paper and masking tape,
and I then used Sculpey modeling clay over this basic Iorm to build up the details oI the head.
In the second photo below you can see this in process. UnIortunately, this is where I stopped
taking photos. I had decided at this point that I wouldn`t be writing a detailed tutorial. And
Irankly, it was so exciting at the moment when the Sculpey suddenly became a giraIIe that I
didn`t want to stop and take photos. The sculpture was Iinally working, aIter spending days
wrestling with the cardboard to Iorm the neck.

GiraIIe Head, Step 1

GiraIIe Head, Step 2
When I was satisIied with the clay sculpture, I added several layers oI paper mache and
allowed it to dry.
I then perIormed a very delicate operation to remove the clay Irom inside the head. I Ielt the
weight oI the head would make it too easy Ior the sculpture to be knocked over by one oI my
playIul dogs, even though the bottom oI the neck was Iilled with plaster.
The head was cut in halI, the clay and crumpled paper was removed, and the head was
immediately put back together with strips oI brown paper and paste. II the pieces are not put
back together immediately they warp as they dry, and the two halves will not Iit together.
With the underlying Sculpey and crumpled paper removed, the head is completely hollow.
inishing the Giraffe
The ears were then added, using cardboard pieces cut out oI a cereal box. I made the mane
Irom Iour long strips oI corrugated cardboard. I spent a long time cutting 'hair into the strips
by cutting almost all the way through the strips a Iew hundred times. I then notched the side
oI the two outside strips that would attach to the giraIIe, so I would have tabs to tape over.
The two inside strips were cut narrower, and glued to the outside pieces. The mane was then
attached to the neck with strips oI brown paper and paste.
The sculpture was then covered in several layers oI glue based gesso, which I made Irom:
O 2 parts PVA glue (Elmers or Carpenter`s glue)
O 4 parts water
O 8 parts calcium carbonate (marble dust)
O And 1 part titanium or zinc white pigment, by volume.
Don`t Ieel you need to run out and buy these items. Ordinary gesso Irom the art store would
work Iine.
I then added the spots by mixing some home-made gesso using natural pigments but acrylic
paint would work Ior the spots. The eye was painted black with acrylic paint, and then a
Iinish coat was applied.
You can see the mane a bit more clearly in the photo below, plus the odd shape that the head
has when seen Irom the top:

GiraIIe Mane, Ears and Horns

GiraIIe Head, From Above
She looks very strange Irom the top.You can see that the eyes bulge a lot, and you can`t see
the actual eyes at all Irom above. I think this allows the giraIIe to have eyes Iocused on the
ground, where their natural enemies might be lurking.
I used a lot oI photos Irom the Internet to see how giraIIes are built. I learned some
interesting things while doing my research. OI most importance to me as an artist is that
every species oI giraIIe has a diIIerent pattern oI spots. My giraIIe is a total mutt, and does
not reIlect any particular species or geographic area.
I also learned that biologists are still arguing over how many vertebrae giraIIes have in their
necks. You would think they could just count them aIter a giraIIe dies in a zoo, but what do I
II you make a giraIIe oI your own, please let us see how it turned out.

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