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Ihe choco|ote.

At the thought oI chocolate, many people both love and Iear it. People love it Ior its
sweet and deep love, Ior it always continuously brings us taste and visual surprises.
Chocolate can lower cholesterol. As people become increasingly concerned about the
maitenance oI heart-health, Iat is classiIied as a material which seems to be avoided.
The cocoa butter in chocolate is natural Iat oI cacao beans. Studies have shown that the
cacao butter can not hoist cholesterolemia like other body Iat. It is because that
saturated Iatty acid contained in chocolate has got plenty oI stearic acid and palmitic
acid. Stearic acid has a neutral eIIect on cholesterol,not increase nor decrease. And the
palmitic acid also can reduce the cholesterol levels. the chocolate help to us , we can
take out the depression oI our liIes , I make sure that a piece oI chocolate will make you
Iell better . but the only problem with it is that is so much addictive and over-eating this
kind oI Iood with too many calories may the risk oI overweight . aIter eating chocolate
you may experience symptoms such as your heart will beat Iaster , insomnia,
Iatigue . Some individuals experience a sense oI anxiety, also sleep problems, headache,
rapid heartbeat, dizziness, irritability, restlessness, moodiness, anothers general

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