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A class C powei amplifiei is biased to opeiate foi less than 18O of the input signal cycle, as shown

in ciicuit. The tuned ciicuit in the output, howevei, will piovide a full cycle of output signal foi the
fundamental oi iesonant fiequency of the tuned ciicuit (L and C tank ciicuit) of the output. The use
of such amplifieis is, theiefoie, limited foi a fixed fiequency, as occuis in communication ciicuits,
foi example. < Opeiation of a class C ciicuit is not intended piimaiily foi laige signal oi powei

Because the collectoi voltage (output) is nnt a rcplica of the inputs, the iesistively loaded class-C
amplifiei is of nn valuc in lincar applicatinns.
It is theiefoie necessaiy to use a class-C amplifiei with a parallcl rcsnnant circuit, as shown in
Iiguie (a).
The iesonant fiequency of the tuned ciicuit is deteimined by the foimula :-
fc = 1/2r\LC
The tuned ciicuit in the output will piovide a full cyclc of output signal foi the fundamcntal nr
rcsnnant frcqucncy of the tuned ciicuit of the output.
This type of opeiation is theiefoie limitcd to use at nnc fixcd frcqucncy, as occuis in a
communications ciicuit, foi example.
Opeiation of a class-C ciicuit is nnt intcndcd piimaiily foi laige-signal oi powei amplifieis.

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