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The twentieth century saw great change.

In my opinion, the discovery of penicillin, which is a big step for medicine, is one change that should be remembered about the twentieth century. Why is medical advance? The twentieth century is the time that two world wars happened. They remind people about destruction and death. It is safe to say that, medical and technology advances are the chosen-thing to remind people about twentieth century. Technology advances, at that time, were used to serve war purposes. Nuclear power, for example, is one of the best discoveries. But instead of using it to create energy, American government created two atomic bombs and dropped them in Japan, destroying this country. Therefore, in my opinion, I choose medical advances because of their humanities, nothing but lifesaver. Why is penicillin? Because million people are saved by this medicine. The time penicillin was not discovered, percentage of wounded people alive was low. Especially in world war I, battle fields are extremely fierce. Even if soldiers were alive after battle, they would die because of their injuries. More specifically, hospitals were far away, medic did not have the best aids. But the main reason cause the death is a huge amount of bacteria accessed when they were injured, the defend of their immune system were not strong enough. Therefore, they would die unless they were cured soon with sufficient conditions. When penicillin was discovered, everything changed. The substance in penicillin kills those bacteria then they would have time to be moved to better conditions and having medical treatment. By that way, penicillin has saved million people up to now. The great change concerning the last century, I think it is the discovery of penicillin. Million people were saved thank to this medicine. And until now, penicillin is still saving people and becoming irreplaceable medicine. Penicillin is a great discovery, discovery of memorable twentieth century.

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