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Poland has a moderate climate, with a transitional character

between maritime and continental climate.
This follows the crash of Atlantic moist air with dry air from the
depths of the Eurasian continent. As an effect, the climate
of Poland is known for beingvery moody and has a great variation
of the seasons, which may change from year to year. Especially
the winters, which are sometimes very wet, oceanic and sometimes,
more rarely, sunny, continental.
- Usually in the north and west of Poland there is a moderate
maritime climate with wet winters and mild summers and cold,
with a large amount of rainfall, however, the eastern part of the
country is characterized by a continental climate with harsh
winters and hot summers and very dry.
n general, we can say that Poland reach all types of air masses
to the northern hemisphere features. So the climate is varied,
causing many difficulties in forecasting the time. t is also
characteristic for the climate of that time Poland will change much
from year to year. This is caused by disturbances in the inflow of air
masses arriving in the country.

-Sometimes you see a series of dry summers, and then have a
series of cold and wet summers. This phenomenon occurs
frequently in cyclic periods of several years.

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