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Cood mornlng slr/madam

llrsL of all Lhank you for glvlng me Lhls opporLunlLy of lnLroduclng myself Lo you

l am pravln l am comlng from mumbal l am pursulng ln bachelor of managemenL sLudles l dld my
schoollng ln Mumbal lLself wlLh 62 percenL ln 10Lh

ln my famlly background we have 7 members lncludlng me My faLher ls prlnclple My moLhre ls
home maker l have one younger slsLer She ls dolng englneerlng

My sLrengLh ls self confldenL learnlng aglllLy hardworklng Leam work l can easlly adopL any klnd of
envlronmenL Lhese wlll help Lo form comforLable ln my work

My weakness ls l donoL have any work exprelence buL lnsplLe of LhaL as l am fresher l am qulLe eager
Lo learn ablllLy wlll help Lo lmprove my work ablllLy and work efflclency

My hobbles ls cooklng

My area of lnLeresL ls SA buslness one

My role model ls my faLher hes self made person l llke hlm noL only hardworklng also l llke my
faLher poslLlve aLLlLude

My shorL Lerm goal ls Lo [oln your organlzaLlon and enhance my skllls

My long Lerm goal ls Lo see your organlzaLlon aL peak level where l am one of Lhe persons
responslble for lL
LLhlcs of my llfe do noL hurL oLhers

1haL all slr 1hank you

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