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10 Lo 12Lh CcLober CurrenL Affalrs

osLed 13 CcL 2011 0647 M u1

Whlch Cazal maesLro passed away recenLly?
Iag[|t S|ngh

WhaL ls Lhe name of weaLher saLelllLe launched ln lndla on 12Lh CcL 2011?
SLVC18 carry|ng Megha1roph|ques

name Lhe lndolrench Lroplcal saLelllLe carrled by SLvc18?

Whlch Lwo lndlan sporLs persons ls glven Lhe LleuLenanL Colonel rank by Lhe Army?
M S Dhon| and Abh|nav 8|ndra

Whlch uk 8ased company ls seLLlng up lnvesLmenL banklng operaLlons ln lndla Leamlng up wlLh MoLllal

Whlch ls new varlanL of verlLo car launched by Mahlndra LargeLlng corporaLe professlonals and
Ver|to Lxecut|ve

name Lhe evenL LhaL wlll be organlsed by nasscom ln Mysore on CcLober 13?
Mysore 20 Conference

Whlch company ls golng Lo buy 43 sLake ln WesL 8engals Paldla eLrochemlcals(PL) pro[ecL?
1he Chatter[ee Group(1CG)

Whlch company bagged a 8s4000 crore conLracL for seLLlng up a Lhermal power planL ln Andhra
radesh from slngarenl Colllerles Company?

Who won Lhe nobel rlze for Lconomlcs 2011?
1homas Sargent and Chr|stopher S|ms
Lechnology qulz CcLober 2011
osLed 11 CcL 2011 0846 AM u1
Whlch ls Lhe new web programmlng language launched by google?

whlch company ls Lhe flrsL Lo sell a ulLrabook less Lhan $1000
Acer S3 ulLrabook prlced aL $899

Whlch sofLware was offlclally sLopped by MlcrosofL 8ecenLly?
Zune Pu

WhaL ls Lhe new feaLure announced by 8esearch ln MoLlon(8lM) whlch allow users of some blackberry
phones Lo share conLacL lnformaLlondocumenLs and mulLlmedla conLenL?

whaL ls Lhe new feaLure released by google ln Chrome browser whlch allows any Lwo compuLer Lo
connecL each oLher uslng chrome browser?
Chrome 8emoLe new ueskLop

WhaL ls Lhe name of Lhe MlcrosofLs new Moblle CS?

Techonolgy Quiz 10th October 2011
PosLed: 1o OcL zo11 1z:z1 AM PDT
WIere dId GoogIe open ILs new duLu cenLer recenLIy?

WIIcI compuny produces bIudeIess Iuns und IeuLers?

WIuL Is LIe nume oI LIe new TosIIbu LubIeL wIIcI wIII be IuuncIed In November?
Thrive ,"

WIuL Is LIe nume oI LIe speecI recognILIon IeuLure InLroduced by AppIe In IPIone's?

WIuL Is LIe nume oI LIe new versIon oI undroId operuLIng sysLem?
Android q.o Ice Creum Sundwich

WIuL Is LIe nume gIven Lo LIe googIe's smurLpIone puymenL?
Google wullet

WIIcI compuny ucquIred usseLs IIke nIInIVuuIL TIered sLoruge sysLem und oLIer reIuLed LecInoIogIes
Irom prosLor SysLems?
Imution Corp

WIIcI venLure Ius been sLurLed by co-Iounder oI Sun MIcrosysLems Mr.ScoLL McNeuIy?{A sociul guming service)

2011 CLT20 Quiz - Sports Quiz 2011
PosLed: o8 OcL zo11 11:oz PM PDT
n wIIcI counLry zo11 CTzo LournumenL wus IeId?

n wIIcI cILIes zo11 CTzo muLcIes were pIuyed?
Bungulore,Hyderubud und Chennui

WIIcI ndIun Leums quuIIIIed Ior LIe muIn LournumenL?
Mombui Indiuns, Royul Chullengers Bungulore und Chennui Soper Kings

WIIcI ndIun Leum wus knocked ouL In LIe RobIn Round IormuL oI zo11 CLzo?
Kolkutu Knight Riders

WIo Is IeudIng MumbuI ndIun Leum In CTzo zo11?
Hurbhujun Singh

WIIcI Leum were LIe deIendIng cIumpIons?
Chennui Soper Kings

WIIcI Leum Iud scored LIe IusLesL Iundred In zo11 CTzo LournumenL?
Royul Chullengers Bungulore {RCB)

n Iow muny overs RCB Leum scored LIe IusLesL Iundred oI LIe LournumenL?
S.q overs

WIIcI crIckeLer IoIds LIe record Ior mosL runs scored In u CTzo LournumenL?
uvid urner

WIIcI crIckeLer Iud IIL sIx on LIe IusL buII oI LIe muLcI Lo muke Leum RCB quuIIIy Ior zo11 CTzo
Aron Kurtik

n wIIcI cILy LIe IIrsL semI IInuI oI zo11 CTzo wus pIuyed?

WIIcI Lwo Leums pIuyed LIe IIrsL semIIInuI oI zo11 CTzo uL BunguIore?
RCB und New Sooth ules

WIIcI Leum won LIe IIrsL semIIInuI pIuyed uL BenguIuru Lo quuIIIy Ior zo11 CTzo IInuI?
Royul Chullengers Bungulore {RCB)

WIIcI crIckeLer Iud IIL 11 sIxes In LIe IIrsL semIIInuI muLcI uguInsL RCB?
uvid urner

WIo wus uwurded Mun oI LIe MuLcI In IIrsL semIIInuI muLcI pIuyed beLween RCB und NSW?
Virut Kohli Ior his knock oI Sq rons in jost qq bulls

n wIIcI cILy wus CTzo second semIIInuI pIuyed?

WIIcI Lwo Leums pIuyed LIe second semIIInuI muLcI oI CTzo zo11?
Mombui Indiuns und Somerset

WIIcI Leum won LIe second semIIInuI muLcI pIuyed uL CIennuI?
Mombui Indiuns

WIo wus uwurded LIe Mun oI LIe muLcI In LIe second semIIInuI oI zo11 CTzo
Lusith Mulingu Ior cluiming q wickets

WIIcI Lwo ndIun Leums wIII pIuy LIe zo11 CTzo IInuI muLcI?
Royul Chullengers Bungulore {RCB) vs Mombui Indiuns {MI)

On wIIcI duLe zo11 CTzo IInuI muLcI wIII be pIuyed?
qth October,o11

n wIIcI cILy wIII LIe zo11 IInuI muLcI wIII be pIuyed?

CTzo - CIumpIons eugue TwenLyzo zo11
CLT20 Quiz - Sports Quiz 2011
PosLed: o8 OcL zo11 1o:6 PM PDT
WIen dId CIumpIons eugue Tzo KIck sLurLed?
October ooq

WIo Is LIe cIuIrperson oI LIe CTzo LournumenL?
Mr.Shushunk Munohur

How muny counLrIes ure purL oI CTzo LournumenL?

WIo won LIe LILIe sponsor rIgILs Ior CTzo LournumenL Ior IIrsL z yeurs?

WIIcI compuny suceeded AIrLeI us LIe LILIe sponsor Ior CTzo LournumenL Ior LIe nexL Iour yeurs?

WIIcI Leum won LIe IIrsL ever CTzo LILIe?
New Sooth ules {NS)

New SouLI WuIes deIeuLed wIIcI Leum In LIe IInuIs oI zooq?
Trinidud & Tobugo

WIo cIIncIed LIe CTzo LILIe In LIe yeur zo1o?
Chennui Soper Kings

WIo Ius composed LIe LIeme song Ior CLzo?

WIIcI spunIsI sInger proposed u new song Ior LIe second edILIon oI CTzo LournumenL(CTzo zo1o)?
Inriqoe Iglesius

n wIIcI counLry wus LIe InuuguruI CTzo LournumenL IeId?

n wIIcI counLry wus LIe second edILIon oI CTzo LournumenL IeId?
Sooth AIricu

n wIIcI counLry zo11 CTzo LournumenL wus IeId?

Current Affairs October 2011 for competitive exams
PosLed: o8 OcL zo11 o6:8 PM PDT
Nume LIe LIree ndIun boxers wIo Iuve quuIIIIed Ior ondon OIympIcs zo1z?
ui Bhugwun, L.evendro Singh und Munoj Komur

Nume LIe AIgIun PresIdenL wIo wus In ndIu Ior u Lwo-duy vIsIL.
Humid Kurzui

WIo Ius been uppoInLed us CIuIrmun oI OII und NuLuruI Gus CorporuLIon?
Sodhir Vusodevu

Nume LIe MD und VP, NokIu ndIu, wIo Ius been ussIgned gIobuI roIe Lo Ieud ndIu, MIddIe EusL und
AIrIcu regIon.

Nume LIe compuny wIIcI Ius IuuncIed upps Ior IPud und AndroId pIones recenLIy.

WIo Ius sIoL u IIIm In q; duys LILIed 'ucebook'?

WIo won LIe zo11 NobeI prIze In cIemIsLry?
Isrueli scientist uniel Shechtmun Ior his discovery oI qousicrystuls

Nume LIe worId's cIeupesL IupLop IuuncIed In ndIu.

Nume LIe AsIes Iero wIo dIed uL LIe uge oI z.
Iormer Inglund Iust bowler, Gruhum illey

WIo won LIe runI Cup zo11?
Rest oI Indiu Teum

Nume LIe uppIIcuLIon IuuncIed by MonsLer ndIu Ior ucebook users.

Nume LIe GuIuxy versIon mobIIe IuuncIed by Sumsung ndIu.
Guluxy Y

WIuL Is LIe IInuncIuI sLrengLI ruLIng reLuIned Ior CC Bunk wIIIe SB's ruLIng Is downgruded Irom 'C-' Lo
'D+' by Moody's?

Nume LIe person wIo Ius been conIerred uL LIe zo11 TeIsLru NSW BusIness Women's Awurd Ior Ier
conLrIbuLIon Lo worId's IIrsL green sLeeI munuIucLurIng process.
Veenu Suhujwullu

Nume LIe AppIe co-Iounder wIo pussed uwuy recenLIy.
Steve obs

WIIcI Iour Leums enLered semI-IInuIs In CIumpIons eugue TwenLy-zo crIckeL?
Somerset, Mombui Indiuns, New Sooth ules und Royul Chullengers Bungulore

Nume LIe SwedIsI poeL wIo won zo11 NobeI In IILeruLure.
Tomus Trunstromer

Nume LIe SunskrIL scIoIur und u Iormer dIrecLor oI BIuruLIyu VIdyu BIuvun wIo pussed uwuy recenLIy.
Muthoor Krishnumorthi

WIIcI counLrIes PresIdenL Iuve oIIered IIndI IIIms Lo be sIoL uL LIe pIcLuresque counLry?
Aostriun President

WIIcI counLry Ius won IIrsL vIcLory In UNESCO voLe?

WIuL Is LIe unnuuI InIIuLIon us oI SepLember zo11 In SrI unku?
,.per cent

WIose museum wus InuuguruLed In AusLrIu recenLIy?

Nume LIe women wIo sIure LIe NobeI Peuce PrIze zo11.
IberIun PresIdenL Illen ohnson SirleuI, IberIun peuce ucLIvIsL Leymuh Gbowee und Tuwukkol
Kurmun oI Yemen Ior work on women's rIgILs

WIo booked LIe IInuIs berLI In CIumpIons eugue TwenLy zo crIckeL LournumenL zo11?
Royul Chullengers Bungulore

Nume LIe ord Muyor oI ondon wIo wIII be on u -duy vIsIL Lo ndIu Irom OcLober 1oLI zo11 Lo
sLrengLIen economIc LIes beLween ndIu und LIe UK.
Lord Muyor Michuel Beur

Nume LIe z BrILIsI bunks wIIcI IncIuded In LIe IIsL oI 1z wIose credIL ruLIngs were downgruded by
Royul Bunk oI Scotlund und Lloyds TSB

WIo won LIe SIowjumpIng Open LILIe on LIe openIng duy oI LIe SouLI ndIu EquesLrIun cIumpIonsIIp?
Hrishiku Busuppu

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