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English Georgian Fashion

Students : Andrei Ruxandra Ionescu Elena Musat Mariana Nastase Alice Sanda Mihaela English Xe

Subject : Class :

Man's Day Clothes about 1738

This gentleman wears a smart summer suit, with the coat more tightly fitting than at the end of the 17th century. It is made of plain cloth embroidered on edges and pockets, which are raised to hip level.

Lady's Day Dress about 1750

This lady wears a 'sackback' dress developed from the flowing undress gowns of 17th century. Beneath are a stiff corset and cane side hoops supporting the skirts.

Man's Day Clothes about 1770

This gentleman wears a plain coat, tightly fitting and cut away, forming curving tails.

Lady's Day Dress about 1780

This dress is typical of the simple countrified styles which became fashionable towards the end of the century.

Lady's Formal Dress 1802

There was great interest at this time in ancient Greece and Rome, and this lady wears 'fashionable full dress', the style based on the drapery of classical statues.

Man's Day Clothes 1805

This illustration is taken from a sketch portrait of George (Beau) Brummell, the fashionable ideal (and famous dandy) of his age. He persuaded men to think that dark, well cut and fitted clothes were smarter than colourful ostentatious ones.

Evening Clothes about 1806

The lady wears a one-piece dress introduced at the end of the 18th century.

The gentleman's cut-away tail coat of fine cloth with velvet collar, silk stockings, tie wig and bicorne hat recall day clothes of the 18th century and anticipate the evening styles of the 20th century.

Day Clothes about 1825

The lady's dress assumes a new outline. The waist has dropped to natural level and the sleeves and skirt are wide and full. The man wears elegant walking dress also with a slight fullness at the shoulder and a waistcoat with lapels.

Welsh Country Dress about 1830

This Welsh girl from a painting of about 1830, shows how fashion lags behind in remote places.

Georgian Women Hairstyles

The Ladies Calash

The Mob Cap

Georgian Men's Headwear

Mid-Georgian Bag Wigs & Queues Illustration

Men's Neater Hairstyles Illustration

Beaver & Round Hats 1786

Thanks for attention !

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