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YO YO YO All you junior classmates better vote Ior me

Cuz Irom grades to my lines I`m the best you ever seen
I`m a mathlete, so nerd is inIerred, but Iorget what you have heard
I`ll be the best president to have served.
People might try and vote Ior Claire, but really guys her accomplishments are way down
No you might ask why you wanna vote Ior me and I`ll say I have all the characteristics oI
There is no protest, a winning combination that will make anybody say 'Dang Vish, you
da BEST!
Now that I`ve explained a little something something about me
Its time Ior you to be the judge and vote Ior me VISH B!!!!!

Now that you know me, I`m cool and awesome. So when you got to vote you should vote
Ior me vish B.

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