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ManagemenL Sclence Approach

lL ls known as MaLhemaLlcal or CuanLlLaLlve MeasuremenL Approach

ManagemenL ls regarded as Lhe problemsolvlng mechanlsm wlLh Lhe help of maLhemaLlcal Lools and
ManagemenL problems can be descrlbed ln Lerms of maLhemaLlcal symbols and daLa 1hus every
managerlal acLlvlLy can be quanLlfled
1hls approach covers declslonmaklng sysLems analysls and some aspecLs of human behavlour
CperaLlons research maLhemaLlcal Lools slmulaLlon models eLc are Lhe baslc meLhodologles Lo solve
managerlal problems
lL has conLrlbuLed slgnlflcanLly ln developlng orderly Lhlnklng ln managemenL whlch has provlded
exacLness ln managemenL dlsclpllne
varlous MaLhemaLlcal Lools llke sampllng llnear programmlng games Lheory Llme serles analysls
slmulaLlon walLlng llne Lheory eLc have provlded more exacLness ln solvlng managerlal problems
1hls approach ls a fasL developlng area ln analyslng and undersLandlng managemenL
lL ls very dlfflculL Lo call a separaLe school of managemenL because lL does noL provlde Lhe answer for
LoLal managerlal problems
Managerlal acLlvlLles are noL really capable of belng quanLlfled because of lnvolvemenL of human belngs
who are governed by many lrraLlonal facLors also
more experLlse and Lechnlcal skllls are requrld Lo formulaLe maLhemaLlcal models admlnlsLraLlve Lheory
classlcal admlnlsLraLlve Lheory An early form of organlzaLlon Lheory ploneered malnly by Penrl layol
(18411923) whlch was concerned prlnclpally wlLh achlevlng Lhe 'mosL raLlonal' organlzaLlon for co
ordlnaLlng Lhe varlous Lasks speclfled wlLhln a complex dlvlslon of labour (see hls AdmlnlsLraLlon
lndusLrlelle eL generale 1916)
1he LranslaLlon of Lhls book lnLo Lngllsh as Ceneral and lndusLrlal ManagemenL (1949) lmplles LhaL
layol was concerned malnly wlLh buslness managemenL alLhough he hlmself makes lL clear LhaL hls
ldeas abouL managemenL were lnLended Lo apply Lo all formal organlzaLlons lncludlng pollLlcal and
rellglous underLaklngs Lxpresslng Lhe lrench 'admlnlsLraLlon' as 'managemenL' has also led Lo Lhe
alLernaLlve deslgnaLlon of Lhls approach as Lhe 'classlcal school of sclenLlflc managemenL'e requrld Lo
formulaLe maLhemaLlcal models

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