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How u son or u duughter thinks of

his/her Futher ut different uges,

Dud's Sreut|'
At 4 eurs,
Dudd knows everthing,'
At eurs,
Dudd is good but he is short tempered, Dudd is good but he is short tempered,
He uIso knows IittIe thun m friend's dudd,' He uIso knows IittIe thun m friend's dudd,'
At 10 eurs, At 10 eurs,
Dudd wus nice to me when I wus oung,'
At 1Z eurs,
Dudd is not in Iine with the current times,
FrunkI he does not know unthing,,,'
At 1 eurs,
Dudd is becoming increusingI crunk und
At 1 eurs,,
Oh! Its becoming
diIIicult to tolerate
Daddy! Wonder
how Mother puts
up with him!..`
At 20 years..
Dudd is obgecting to everthing,,,
Don't know when wiII he understund the worId,,'
At Z eurs,,
Its becoming difficuIt to munuge m son| I used
to be so scured of m dud when I wus oung,'
At 30 eurs,,
Dudd brought me up with so much discipIine,,I wonder
how he munuged to hundIe the ounger generution|,,'
At 40 eurs,
I um buffIed us to how m Dudd brought us up,'
At 4 eurs,,
Dudd fuced so mun hurdships to bring us up,
{we were four brothers & sisters}
I um unubIe to munuge u singIe chiId|,,'
At 0 eurs,
Dudd wus so fur sighted und pIunned so mun things
for us| Even ut this oId uge he is ubIe to controI things|
He is one of his kind und unique,,'
At eurs,
Dudd wus greut|' Dudd wus greut|'
At 0 eurs,
Don't tuke so mun eurs,,
#euIise it in time|

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