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MAln1Aln A8SCLu1L ln1LC8l1?

1he elghL unlversal laws of leadershlp are ln no parLlcular order excepL for Lhls law havlng Lo do wlLh
lnLegrlLy A slgnlflcanL ma[orlLy of responses lncluded Lhls law havlng Lo do wlLh lnLegrlLy A slgnlflcanL
ma[orlLy of responses lncluded Lhls law and many respondenLs wroLe me leLLers or noLes expresslng
Lhelr feellngs LhaL wlLhouL baslc LrusL beLween leader and followers Lhe leader would be forever
suspecL and would probably have dlfflculLy even lf he or she applled Lhe oLher leadesshlp prlnclples
properly lnLegrlLy means donlng Lhe rlnghLs Lhlng Lack of lnLegLly can have Lerrlble consequences for
any endeavor
Ceneral P norman Schwarzkopf Lell us abouL honor
AL wesL polnL we were LoughL from Lhe flrsL day LhaL honor was Lhe mosL lmporLanL
Lhlng l dld nor know general P Schwarzkopf when l was a cadeL Phowever Ceneral
Schwarzkopf was a senlor or flrs classman" durlng my flrsL year Pe wrlLe 1he mosL lmporLanL
lesson drllled lnLo us durlng Lhose flrsL weeks was Lhe honor code" ln Lhls auLoblography lL
doesn'L Lake a hero Ceneral Schwarzkopf goes on Lo relaLe Lhe followlng sLory abouL a flrsL
classman wlLh whom he had Lo deal durlng hls flsL year

1 whaL do you Lhlnk abouL Lhe MAln1Aln A8SCLu1L ln1LC8L1? ?
2 whaL ls Lhe core or mlnd ldea abouL LexL above ?
3make a concluslon LexL MAln1Aln A8SCLu1L ln1LC8L1?"

knCW ?Cu8 S1ull'
1hose who follow you don'L care Lwo sLraws you know abouL offlce pollLlcs and your ablllLy Lo
manage Lhelr career on Lo successfully hlgher [obs 1hey wanL Lo know wheLher you know sLuff
abouL Lhls [ob CarleLon Carly" llorlna has been called Lhe mosL powerful buslnesswoman ln
Amerlca Cm Lhe summer of 1999 she was named CLC of PewleLLackard Lhe numberLwo
compuLer company aL forLyfour years old she became Lhe flrsL female company l've seen a
loL of hlgh flylng people fall flaL because Lhey were focused on Lhe nexL [ob she Lold lnvesLors
8uslness ually l'm always amazed by Lhe bellef some people have LhaL Lhey musL have lnsLanL
success and lf Lhey don'L geL lLlL's due LopollLlcs" or because someone dldn'L llke Lhem 1hey
name lndlvlduals who are young and are very successful and Lhey lnLlmaLe LhaL Lhls success
was aLLalned wlLh llLLle knowledge or work and malnly Lhrough offlce pollLlcs connecLlons or
[usL lucL
1 whaL do you Lhlnk abouL

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