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Electronic commerce

First part oI the review will describe the term electronic commerce`. It generally reIers
to contracts and payments made using computers and other electronic equipment. As commonly
used, the phrase encompasses agreements concluded through the exchange oI email, purchases
made at internet websites, transIers oI money made by electronic means, and other similar
activities. The term Iurther includes both business-to-business and business-to-consumer
transactions. (Gregory E.Maggs 2001)
Firms have embraced electronic commerce as a means oI doing business, either because
they see it as a way to improve eIIiciency, grow market share, expand into new markets, or
because they view it as essential Ior survival. (Colin Ferguson, Frank Finn, Jason Hall 2004).
The second part will be about three Iactors which contribute to the signiIicance oI
electronic commerce to the world economy today: the rapid growth oI the Internet, its ability to
Iacilitate cross-border trade, and its ability to reduce transaction costs. (Andrew D. Mitchell)


O Gregory E.Maggs, Regulating electronic commerce, 2001
O Mihai Moraru, Romanian Economic and Business Review Vol. 3
O Colin Ferguson, Frank Finn, Jason Hall, Electronic commerce investments, the resource-
based view of the firm, and firm market value, 2004
O Andrew D. Mitchell, Electronic Commerce,

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