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lmporLance of MarkeLlng ln l1 lndusLry

MarkeLlng ls Lhe process used Lo deLermlne whaL producLs or servlces may be of lnLeresL Lo cusLomers
and Lhe sLraLegy Lo use ln sales communlcaLlons and buslness developmenL lL ls baslcally an lnLegraLed
process Lhrough whlch companles bulld sLrong cusLomer relaLlonshlps and creaLe values for Lhelr
cusLomers and for Lhemselves
1he l1 lndusLry ls an emerglng lndusLry and also is a major driving Iorce behind the economic development.
As Ior example the lndlan lnformaLlon 1echnology lndusLry accounLs for a 319 of Lhe counLrys Cu
and exporL earnlngs as of 2009 whlle provldlng employmenL Lo a slgnlflcanL number of lLs LerLlary secLor
workforce Powever only 23 mllllon people are employed ln Lhe secLor elLher dlrecLly or lndlrecLly ln
201011 annual revenues from l18C secLor ls esLlmaLed Lo have grown over uS$3433 bllllon
compared Lo Chlna wlLh $3376 bllllon and hlllpplnes wlLh $883 bllllon lndlas ouLsourclng lndusLry ls
expecLed Lo lncrease Lo uS$223 bllllon by 2020 1he mosL promlnenL l1 hub ls 8angalore 1he oLher
emerglng desLlnaLlons are Chennal Pyderabad ColmbaLore kolkaLa kochl une Mumbal
1he ma[or producLs and servlces relaLed wlLh Lhe l1 lndusLry ls sofLware and buslness soluLlon 1hese
are cerLaln polnLs for markeLlng managlng sLraLegles
< uevelop markeL sLraLegles and plans
< CapLure markeLlng lnslghLs
< ConnecL wlLh cusLomers
< 8ulld sLrong brands
< Shape markeL offerlngs
< uellver value
< CommunlcaLe value
< CreaLe longLerm growLh

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