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A man was ordered by his doctor to lose 75 lbs. due to very serious health risks.

As he wondered how in the heck he would ever do it, he ran across an ad in the newspaper for a GUARANTEED WEIGHT LOSS PROGRAM. "Guaranteed. Yeah right!" he thought to himself. But desperate, he calls them up and subscribes to the 3-day/10 pound weight loss program. The next day there's a knock at his door, and when he answers, there stands before him a voluptuous, athletic, 19 year old young lady dressed in nothing but a pair of Nike running shoes and a sign round her neck. She introduces herself as a representative of the weight loss company. The sign reads, "If you can catch me, you can have me!" Without a second thought he takes off after her. A few miles later, huffing and puffing, he finally catches her and has his way with her. After they are through and she leaves, he thinks to himself, "I like the way this company does business!" The same girl shows up for the next two days and the same thing happens. On the fourth day, he weighs himself and is delighted to find he has lost 10lb. as promised. He calls the company and orders their 5-day/20 pound weight loss program. The next day there's a knock at the door and there stands the most stunning, beautiful, sexy woman he has ever seen in his life, wearing nothing but Reebok running shoes and a sign around her neck that reads, "If you catch me you can have me." He's out the door or after her like a shot. This girl is in excellent shape and it takes him a while to catch her, but when he does, it is worth every cramp and wheeze. For the next four days, the same routine happens. Much to his delight, on the fifth day, he weighs himself and finds he has lost another 20 lbs. as promised. He decides to go for broke and calls the company to order the 7-day/50 pound weight loss program. "Are you sure?" asks the representative on the phone. "This is our most rigorous program." Absolutely, " he replies, "I haven't felt this good in years". The next day there's a knock at the door and when he opens it he finds a muscular guy standing there wearing nothing but pink running shoes and a sign around his neck that reads, "If I catch you, you're mine."

Every Girls Dream... i don't know if this is true to all girls ... just found i t somewhere and thought i'd post. 1. Get kissed in the rain 2. Have that one hot kiss where you're pressed against the wall 3. Have a guy that thinks you're the world

4. Have a guy that holds on as long as possible when giving hugs 5. A boy that whispers he loves you in your ear 6. Have that moment where you just gaze into each other's eyes 7. When you cry, he kisses your tears away. 8. When you're not with your guy he's all that you can think about 9. Wearing his jacket and everytime you breath in, his scent surrounds you 10. A guy who will watch any movie with you, no matter how teary eyed you may ge t. 11. A guy who squeezes your hand 12. A boy that says he loves you and means it 13. A guy that will play your favorite song outside your window 14. A guy who is loyal 15. A guy that will sing to you no matter how bad he is at it. 16. A guy that will kiss you on the forehead. 17. A guy that will call you beautiful or adorable .....not hot, fine, or sexy 18. A guy that will never judge you for how you look. 19. A boy that says cheezy stuff to you just to make you smile.... 20. A boy that is the same when he is with you and when with friends 21.A boy that tells you everything honestly 22.A boy that is good with your family and introduces you to his family 23. A guy that will always let you win 24. A guy who stands up for u no matter who it is against 25.A guy who calls you at night just to say hi and see how your day has been 26. A boy who tells you that your smile makes his day and makes everything bette r 27. A boy who will sit on the phone with you when your sad, even if you're quiet .. 28. A boy who you can hangout and have fun with! 29. Just randomly call you for no reason at all, just because he missed you 30. A guy who treats you the same, whether you're by your self or around his fri ends.. same as 20!!! 31. A guy who will hold your hand through the roughest parts of life.

32. A guy who would love you forever no matter the circumstance. 33. A guy who wouldn't mind you wanting to get all dressed up and do my make up for him. even if he says he likes you better without make up. 34. A guy who you can be yourself with and he will never give a care and would s till tell you that you are amazing to him. 35. A guy who runs his fingers through your hair, like he's washing your worries /troubles away. Posted: Sat Sep 03, 2005 7:27 am son Post subject: 10 Ways To Marry The Wrong Per

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------10 Ways To Marry The Wrong Person by Rabbi Dov Heller, M.A. With the divorce rate over 50 percent, too many are apparently making a serious mistake in deciding who to spend the rest of their life with. To avoid becoming a "statistic," try to internalize these 10 insights. #1. You pick the wrong person because you expect him/her to change after you're married. The classic mistake. Never marry potential. The golden rule is, if you can't be happy with the person the way he or she is now, don't get married. As a colleague of mine so wisely put it, "You actually can expect people to change after their married... for the worst!" So when it comes to the other person's spirituality, character, personal hygiene, communication skills, and personal habits, make sure you can live with these as they are now. #2. You pick the wrong person because you focus more on chemistry than on character. Chemistry ignites the fire, but good character keeps it burning. Beware of the "I'm in love" syndrome. "I'm in love" often means, "I'm in lust". Attraction is there, but have you carefully checked out this person's character? Here are four character traits to definitely check for: Humility: Does this person believe that "doing the right thing" is more important than personal comfort? Do I want to be more like this person? Would I like my child to turn out like him or her? Kindness: Does this person enjoy giving pleasure to other people? How does she treat people she doesn't have to be nice to? Does she do volunteer work? Give charity? Responsibility: Can I depend on this person to do what she says? she's going to do? Happiness: Does this person like himself? Does she enjoy life? Is she emotionally stable? Ask yourself: Do I want to be more like this person? Do I want to have a child with this person? Would I like my child to turn out like him or her?

#3. You pick the wrong person because the man doesn't understand what a woman needs most. Men and women have unique emotional needs, and more often than not, it is the man who just doesn't "get it." Jewish tradition places the onus on the man to understand the emotional needs of a woman and to satisfy them. The unique need of a woman is to be loved -- to feel that she is the most important person in her husband's life. The husband needs to give her consistent, quality attention. This is most apparent in Judaism's approach to sexual intimacy. The Torah obligates the husband to meet the sexual needs of his wife. Sexual intimacy is always on the woman's terms. Men are goal-oriented, especially when it comes this area. As a wise woman once pointed out, "Men have two speeds: on and off." Women are experience-oriented. When a man is able to switch gears and become more experience-oriented, he will discover what makes his wife very happy. When the man forgets about his own needs and focuses on giving his wife pleasure, amazing things happen. #4. You choose the wrong person because you do not share common life goals and priorities. There are three basic ways we connect with another person: 1. chemistry and compatibility 2. share common interests 3. share common life goal Make sure you share the deeper level of connection that sharing life goals provide. After marriage, the two of you will either grow together or grow apart. To avoid growing apart, you must figure out what you're "living for," while you're single -- and then find someone who has come to the same conclusion as you. This is the true definition of a "soul mate." A soul mate is a goal mate -two people who ultimately share the same understanding of life's purpose and therefore share the same priorities, values and goals. #5. You choose the wrong person because you get involved sexually too quickly. Sexual involvement before the commitment of marriage can be a big problem because it often precludes a fully honest exploration of important issues. Sexual involvement tends to cloud one's mind. And a clouded mind is not inclined to make good decisions. Of all the studies done on divorce, sexual incompatibility is never cited as a main factor. It is not necessary to take a "test drive" in order to find out if a couple is sexually compatible. If you do your homework and make sure you are intellectually and emotionally compatible, you don't have to worry about sexual compatibility. Of all the studies done on divorce, sexual incompatibility is never cited as a main reason why people divorce. #6. You pick the wrong person because you do not have a deeper emotional connection with this person. To evaluate whether you have a deeper emotional connection or not, ask: "Do I respect and admire this person?" This does not mean, "Am I impressed by this person?" We are impressed by a Mercedes. We do not respect someone

because they own Mercedes. You should be impressed by qualities of creativity, loyalty, determination, etc. Also ask: "Do I trust this person?" Thi s also means, "Is he/she emotionally stable?" Do I feel I can rely on him/her? #7. You pick the wrong person because you choose someone with whom you don't feel emotionally safe. Ask yourself the following questions: Do I feel calm, peaceful and relaxed with this person? Can I fully be myself and express myself with this person? Does this person make me feel good about myself? Do you have a really close frie nd who does make you feel this way? Make sure the person you marry makes you fee l the same way! Are you afraid of this person in any way? You should not feel you need to monitor what you say because you are afraid of how the other person will view it. If you're afraid to express your feelings and opinions openly, there's a problem with the relationship. Be on the look out for someone who is always trying to change you. Another aspect of feeling safe is that you don't feel the other person is trying to control you. Controlling behaviors are a sign of an abusive person. Be on the look out for someone who is always trying to change you. There's a big difference between controlling" and "making suggestions." A suggestion is made for your benefit; a control statement is made for their benefit. #8. You pick the wrong person because you don't put everything on the table. Anything that bothers you about the relationship must be brought up for discussion. Bringing up the uncomfortable stuff is the only way to evaluate how well the two of you communicate, negotiate, and work together. Over the course of a lifetime, difficulties will inevitably arise. You need to know now, before making a commitment: Can you resolve your differences and find compromises that work for both of you? Never be afraid to let the person know what bothers you. This is also a way For you to test how vulnerable you can be with this person. If you can't be vulnerable, then you can't be intimate. The two go hand in hand. #9. You pick the wrong person because you use the relationship to escape from personal problems and unhappiness. If you are unhappy and single, you'll probably be unhappy and married, too. Marriage does not fix personal, psychological and emotional problems. If anything, marriage will exacerbate them. If you are not happy with yourself and your life, take responsibility to fix it now while you are single. You'll feel better, and your future spouse will thank you. #10. You pick the wrong person because he/she is involved in triangle. To be "triangulated" means a person is emotionally dependent on someone or somet hing else while trying to develop another relationship. A person who

hasn't separated from his or her parents is the classic example of triangulation . People can also be triangulated with things as well, such as work, drugs, Internet, hobbies, sports or money. Be careful that you and your partner are free of triangles. The person caught in the triangle cannot be fully emotionally available to you. You will no t be their number one priority. And that's no basis for a marriage. Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2005 6:36 pm Post subject: MEN vs. WOMEN

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------*Got this on my inbox ... as always share ko lang, ON RELATIONSHIPS When a relationship ends, a woman cries till her tear ducts dry, yaks on and on to her gfs, writes a poem, listens to sad music, raids the shops at Glorietta an d Greenbelt and goes on a full beauty make-over-all these in a month or less. Th en she goes on with her life. A man only reacts from 6 mos to a year after break -up. This is the 3 a.m. drunken call he makes to his ex "I hate you, you ruined my life...Uh, baka pwede pa tayo?" ON MATURITY Women take to maturity faster and earlier. A 16-year-old female can effectively care for an infant. A 16-year-old male can make the family dog drink Tanduay. Th at's why high school romances rarely work out. ON PHONE ATTITUDE A man uses the phone only if he has something specific to say "Pare basket tayo bukas. Gym. 8 sharp. Bye." He delivers a short telegraphic message and hangs up after 6 minutes. A woman doesn't need a particular reason to call a friend. She can visit her gal pal for a week and upon returning home, call the same friend a nd chat for three hours! ON HANDWRITING Men's chicken-scratch handwriting gives us a headache. Women's letters give men migraine she uses scented and colored stationeries and dot her i's with circles and hearts. She writes to dump him and puts a smiley face or a sunflower at the end of the letter. ON DIRECTIONS When a female driver gets lost, she stops at a gas station and asks for directio ns. A male driver simply won't even, if a little voice inside his head is going, "May makakakita pa kaya sa atin na buhay?" He'll drive around for two hours try ing to figure a way out. ON PHOTOGRAPHY Men take photography very seriously.They shell out thousands of pesos for stateof-the-art cameras and other equipment, build dark rooms and take photography cl asses. Women buy Kodak instamatics...and end up taking better pix. ON BOXING Observe a couple watching a boxing match on TV. Dela Hoya knock Chavez down and the wife says, "Kawawa naman, ang sakit siguro." Her husband groans, doubles ove r and actually feels the pain. ON VANITY Men are vain. They check their reflection on mirrors every chance they get. Wome n will check themselves out on shiny surface mirrors, spoons, silver balloons, s tore windows, some guy's bald head.

ON TOYS Little girls love toys but outgrow them at age 11 or 12. When little boys grow o lder, their toys just get more expensive, not to mention SILLY and IMPRACTICAL mini TVs, car phones, VIDEO GAMES! ON DRESSING UP Women will dress up to go the mall, beauty parlor or even the grocery store at t he corner. Men dress up for weddings. ON HYGIENE A man has 6 items (toothbrush, toothpaste, razor,shaving cream,soap, shampoo) in the bathroom. A woman has 247, including such indispensible products as hypoall ergenic facial hair removing cream, dramatically different and non-fragrance cla rifying lotion #10 and apricot scrubs!!! ON EATING OUT When eating out, men will each throw out large bills. No one has a smaller bill and some unlucky guy would end up paying just so they can get out. When women di ne out, as soon as the check arrives, out comes pocket calculators!! ON TRAVEL If a man goes on a seven-day trip, he'll pack for 5 days worth of clothes and he will wear some things twice. A woman will pack 21 changes of clothes coz she do esn't know what she'll feel like wearing each day. ON RESTROOMS Men use restrooms for purely biological reasons. Women see restrooms as social l ounges. Men in a restroom will not speak to each other. Women who have never met before will leave a restroom giggling together like old friends. And NEVER in t he history of the world has a man excused himself from a restaurant by saying, " Pare, I got to pee. Wanna join me?" (hu-way not, pare.) These are the 11 signs of falling in love... 11. You'll read his/her sms over and over again... 10. You'll walk really really really slow while you're with him/her... 9. You'll feel so shy whenever you're with him/her... 8. While thinking bout him/her...your heart will beat faster and faster... 7. By listening his/her'll be smilling by your-self... 6. While looking at him/ cant see the other ppl around can onl y see that person... 5. You'll start listening 2 love songs. 4. You'll really really like love songs... 3. You'll get high just by his/her smell... 2. You'll realise dat you're alwayz smiling to yourself.. 1. You'll do anything for him/her........ So, Are You In-Love?!

A girl wont cry easily, Except in front of the person who she loves the most, she becomes weak. A girl wont cry easily, only when she loves you the most, she put down her ego. Guys, if a girl cries bcoz of you, please hold her hands firmly, she's the one who would stay with you for the rest of your life. Guys, if a girl cries bcoz of you, please don`t give her up, maybe bcoz of your decision, you ruin her life. When she cries right infront of you, When she cries bcoz of you, Look into her eyes, Can u see n feel the pain n hurt she's feeling? Think. Which other girl have cried with pure sincerity, In front of you, And bcoz of you? She cries not because she is weak, She cries not bcoz she wants sympathy or pity, She cries, Because crying silently is no longer possible, the pain, hurt, n agony have become too big a burden to be kept inside. Guys, Think about it, If a girl cries her heart out to you, And all because of you, Its time to look back on wat u have done, Only you will know the answer to it. Do consider it, Coz one day, It may be too late for regrets, It may be too late to say "im sorry". To my friends... Ponder this message seriously. Don`t do this to a girl, You may regret it for the rest of your life. Maybe in your life, she's the only one that love YOU the most. Remember this lesson.. no one falls in love by CHOICE, it is by CHANCE no one stays in love by CHANCE, it is by WORK and no one falls out of love by CHANCE, it is by CHOICE.

1. "I just realized that I don't want to be touched." 2. "I'm confused and I need some time out to find myself!!!" 3. "Maybe this is not the right time for us." 4. "Di kita maalagaan ng tulad ng ineexpect mo. You deserve someone better. That's not me." 5. "Lasing lang ako kagabi. Sorry." 6. "We are too different from each other." True lies and true lines: 7. "We have to meet other people to see what it's like to be with someone else. I'm giving you that choice. if you come back to me, we'll both be better from having chosen freely." 8. "Someday, hahanapin kita, when we're both ready. When we don't care about the odds. Kung tayo talaga, tayo rin in the end, di ba?" 9. "I really think that we should break up." "Why?" "Because I don't know if I still love you." 10. "I just realized I haven't had time to walk my dog..." 11. "It's not you, it's me... The warmth encompassing my body The light guiding my way The tenderness that touches me softly A man s love is breath taking When a man applies his love In the right way He will get a woman that will stay The laughter that fills my tears The compassion that caresses me The honesty makes me trust again A man s love is breath taking When a man does it right Say the words at the exact time The woman won t put up a fight Beyond physical attraction Untouchable deep in his soul A man s love is breath taking

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2005 4:34 am


-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Got this from my e-mail. Share ko lang! THE ESSENCE OF TRUE LOVE if you're afraid friendship, then you feel and let hide the feeling pretensions. to love a person because of you have choices, either to tell what the love take place of forever, or to under a friendship full of

sometimes i've asked myself, what would make me happy? to think that i have everything else, i get what i want... then i realized it was YOU, too bad 'coz it's you i can't have... love can never be so beautiful without friendship... one leads to another and the process is irreversible... the best of lovers are the greatest of friends!!! a man realized he wanted his love back not wanting to be hurt again. the girl said "no." the man cried out to God, "if it was meant to be, why did i lose her?" God replied, "you didn't lose let her go!" when you love someone, don't expect that person to love you back the same amount. One of you will be ahead, the other behind. It's either you catch up or the other waits. THINK OF THIS: have you really cared for someone more than you expect? have you ever tried to love him/her inspite of all the pain? will you keep on loving him/her as he/she whispers someone else's name? will you??? true love hears what is not spoken, and understands what is not explained, for love doesn't work in the mouth, nor the mind, but in the heart... when you love, you must not accept anything in return, for if you do, you're not loving but investing. if you love, you must prepare to accept pain, for if you expect happiness, your not loving but using... i like you because you're my friend, and because you are my friend i care, and because i care,i love you, i don't love you because you are my friend, i love you

because i do! WHAT IF SOMENONE TELLS YOU THIS: "don't believe in courtship. it's just a waste of time. if i love a person, i'll tell her right away, but for you i'll make an exception... just love me now, and i'll court you forever!" never be afraid to fall in love. it may hurt a lot, it may give you aches and pains, but if you don't follow your heart, in the end you will cry even more for not giving love a chance. i'm sorry if you can't love me the way you loved the one before me, so i'll let you go to find him/her and hope someday you'll see that the one true love you're looking for was the one who set you free... aint it funny we're trying to catch the attention of the one we think we love? we hardly notice the one we're really looking for was just there. you don't notice them 'till they are in the arms of someone else... love is like standing on wet cement, the longer you stay the harder it is to leave... and you can never go without leaving your prints behind... FOOD FOR THOUGHT: it's better to lose your pride with someone you love rather than lose that someone you love with your useless pride. i can't choose who i'm going to love, but i also can't just love who chooses to love me... and you can't blame me in choosing to love you as much as i can't blame you for not learning to love me. "how can i say goodbye to someone i never had? why do tears fall for someone who was never mine? why is that i miss someone i was never with and i ask why i love someone who's love was never mine?" it's hard for two people to love each other when they live in two different worlds... but when these two worlds collide and become one, that's what you call..............magic! don't love a person like a flower, because a flower dies in season. love them like a river because a river flow forever... "love may leave your heart like shattered glass, but keep in mind that there's someone who'll be willing to endure the pain of picking up the pieces so you could be whole again" the most cruel thing a guy could do to a girl is to let her fall in love when he doesn't intend to catch

her fall! (and vice versa!) "Work like you don't need the money, Love like you've never been hurt, Dance like you do, when nobody is watching. THIS IS THE ESSENCE OF TRUE LOVE.....

When A Girl... When a GIRL looks down, It means shes uncomfortable. When a GIRL is not arguing, She is thinking deeply. When a GIRL looks at you with eyes full of questions, She is wondering how long you will be around. When a GIRL answers "I'm fine" after a few seconds, She is not at all fine. When a GIRL stares at you, She is wondering why you are lying. When a GIRL lays on your chest, She is wishing for you to be hers forever. When a GIRL calls you everyday, She is seeking for your attention. When a GIRL wants to see you everyday, She wants to be pampered. When a GIRL says "I love you", She means it. When a GIRL says that she can't live without you, She has made up her mind that you are her future. When a GIRL says "I miss you", No one in this world can miss you more than that When a GIRL is jealous about other people seeing you more than she does, its because she loves you and misses you so much...

If a girl cries in front of you, it means that she couldn't take it anymore. If you take her hand, she would stay with you for the rest of your life; if you let her go, she couldn't go back to being herself anymore. a gal won't cry easily, except in front of the person whom she loves the most, s he becomes weak. a gal wont cry easily, only when she loves you the most, she puts down her ego.

guys, if a gal cries because of you, please hold her hands firmly, coz she's the one who is willing to stay with you for the rest of your life. guys, if a gal cries because of you, please don't give her up, maybe because of your decision, you will ruin her life. when she cries right in front of you, when she cries because of you, look into h er eyes, can you see and feel the pain and hurt she's feeling? think. which othe r girl have cried with pure sincerity, in front of you, and because of you? she cries not because she is weak, she cries not because she wants sympathy or p ity, she cries, because crying silently is no longer possible, the pain, hurt, a nd agony have become too big a burden to be kept inside. guys, think about it, if a gal cries her heart out to you, and all because of yo u, it's time to look back on what you have done, only you will know the answer t o it. do consider it, coz one day, it may be too late for regrets, it may be too late to say "i'm sorry." ponder this message carefully... don't do this to a girl, you may regret it for the rest of your life. maybe in your life, she's the only one who loves you the most... PANO MO BA NASABING MAHAL MO NA SIYA... (para sa mga taong nanliligaw, nagbabalak manligaw, nililigawan, naliligaw, nagiintay maligawan at nagbabalak lumagay sa magulo este tahimik) ang love ay hindi minamadali... hindi pinipilit.. at lalong hindi kina-career... aray ko unang-una... PAANO MO BA NASABING MAHAL MO NA SIYA... dahil ba natutuwa ka sa kanya... o kaya naman naaaliw ka... naswee-sweetan ka ba ng sobra sa kanya... kinikilig ka ba pag nakikita mo nahi-high kapag naririnig mo na ang boses niya... eh teka muna... baka naman infatuated ka lang. ... o kaya naman kagaya nga ng sagot mo... BAKA naaaliw ka lang... dahil kakaiba siya...may spark na hindi mo maintindihan...tsk!!!...ang saklap nyan!... pangalawa... GAANO MO NA BA SIYA KAKILALA... madali ba siyang mapikon...pano ba siya mabadtrip...madali bang mahalata na may topak siya...ano bang suot niya pag nasa bahay siya...shorts ba o pantalon...nak asando ba siya o naka-t-shirt lang...matagal ba siyang maligo....kumakain ba siy a ng vegetables...tamad ba siya...mas gusto ba niyang manood ng tv kaysa magbasa ng libro... nagpe-playstation ba siya... tatlo ba ang pamangkin niyang lalaki.. .makukulit ba yung mga kamag-anak ba ang kulay ng gate ng bahay nil village ba siya nakatira...may sakayan ba ng jeep na malapit sa kanila... nagsisimba ba siya linggo-linggo...kasama ba yung pamilya nagdadasal b a siya bago short...alam mo na nga ba...ang mga bagay-bagay...ang m ga simpleng bagay tungkol sa nagdedetermine ng sarili in ku ng sino ba talaga SIYA... pangatlo... KAYA MO BA SIYANG TANGGAPIN... as in TANGGAPIN ng lahat ng trip niya sa lahat ng kato

pakan lahat ng pag-iinarte at pag-dadrama lahat ng kasalanan g nagawa, ginawa, at gagawin pa lang niya... sa lahat ng naiisip niya... sa laha t ng sasabihin kilos pananamit pa pala pagsasalita ... sa pananaw niya sa pagtrato niya sa lifestyle uri ng pamilyang meron uri ng kaibigang kasa-kasama style ni ya pagdating sa kasweetan niyang paglalambing t awa niyang manners bisyo niya kung meron man...s a mga pang-aasar niya style niya pagdating sa pagsolve ng problema...s a problemang maaari ka ring masama... pang-apat... KAYA MO BANG MAGING TOTOO... kaya mo bang makita yung sarili kasama pa rin siya isang sitwasy ong pag naisip mo eh...mapapaiyak ka na lang sa sakit...nang dahil din sa kanya. ..kaya mo bang magmukhang in umiyak ng dahil sa kababawan...ibuhos an g mga nararamdaman mo...kahit na puro kababawan nga lang in kahit sa harapan niya...kaya mo bang maging barubal pag kasama mo siya...yung tipo bang w ala ka ng pakielam...mawala man ang manners wala ka naman talaga... in short... KAYA MO BANG MAGING IKAW KAPAG KASAMA MO NA SIYA... yung tipong hindi ka nahihiyang ipakita kung sino ka talaga... dahil alam mong... HINDI MO LANG SIYA TANGGAP...TANGGAP KA RIN NIYA...BUONG-BUO RIN...MGA TAO!!!... tama na kasi ang trip...tama na ang pagmamadali...oo masarap ngang mainvolve sa isang tao...pero diba mas masarap yun...LALO NA KUNG ALAM MONG TOTOO YUNG NARARA MDAMAN MO... 1. If a man wants you, nothing can keep him away. If he doesn't want you, nothin g can make him stay. 2. Stop making excuses for a man and his behavior. 3. Allow your intuition (or spirit) to save you from heartache. 4. Stop trying to change yourselves for a relationship that's not meant to be. 5 . Slower is better. 6. Never live your life for a man before you find what makes you truly happy. 7. If a relationship ends because the man was not treating you as you deserve th en heck no you can't "be friends." A friend wouldn't mistreat a friend. 8. Don't settle. 9. If you feel like he is stringing you along, then he probably is. 10. Don't stay because you think "it will get better." You'll be mad at yourself a year later for staying when things are not better. 11. The only person you can control in a relationship is you. 12. Avoid men who've got a bunch of children by a bunch of different women. He d idn't marry them when he got them pregnant, why would he treat you any different ly?

13. Always have your own set of friends separate from his. 14. Maintain boundaries in how a guy treats you. If something bothers you, speak up. 15. Never let a man know everything. He will use it against you later. 16. You cannot change a man's behaviors. Change comes from within. 17. Don't EVER make him feel he is more important than you are...even if he has more education or in a better job. 18. Do not make him into a quasi-god. He is a man, nothing more nothing less 19. Never let a man define who you are. 20. Never borrow someone else's man. 21. If he cheated with you, he'll cheat on you. 22. A man will only treat you the way you ALLOW him to treat you. 23 . All men are NOT dogs. 24. You should not be the one doing all the bending... compromise is a two way s treet. 25. You need time to heal between relationships...there is nothing cute about ba with your issues before pursuing a new relationship. 26. You should never look for someone to COMPLETE you...a relationship consists of two WHOLE individuals...look for someone complimentary...not supplementary. 27. Dating is fun...even if he doesn't turn out to be Mr. Right. 28. Make him miss you sometimes...when a man always know where you are, and your always readily available to him- he takes it for granted. 29. Never move into his mother's house. 30. Never co-sign for a man. 31. Don't fully commit to a man who doesn't give you everything that you need. K eep him in your radar but get to know others. They say it takes a minute to find a special person, an hour to appreciate them, a day to love them, and an entire life to forget them... "Don't complain...Don't explain...Just move on."

1) Don't turn your back to love when it's already in front of you. Don't drive i t away from you, because if you do, someday, you'll think again, why you let lov e flew when it was there next to you. 2) In Love, think things first over if you're sure about how you feel. Don't fal l too hard not knowing where you will stand, 'coz it will hurt real badly if thi ngs don't go the way you want them to be.

3) Its an irony to know that it takes hours for someone to have guts to say "hi" to the one he likes, days to admire, weeks to miss the person, months to love, but just a blink of an eye to say goodbye... 4) Go for the person who loves you. It is not wrong to love someone who belongs to someone else, but it is much better to love someone who could also love you i n return. 5) Love isn't something we hold, it is something we set free. It's not something we just do, but it's something we don't imagine to be. Lastly, it's not somethi ng we choose, it chooses us... 6) The scariest thing about falling in love is getting hurt. The scariest thing about getting hurt is not being able to love again. The scariest thing about not loving again is being alone forever. 7) When you follow your heart, worry not where it will lead you, for your heart knows the way. And if you do get lost or reach a dead end, use your head to lead you back home. 8.) When you truly care for someone, you don't look for faults, you don't look f or answers, you don't look for mistakes. Instead, you fight for the mistakes, yo u accept the faults, and you overlook excuses. 9) It's better to lose your pride to the one you love, than lose your loved one to your useless pride. 10) Love is .........not " it's your fault ", "but I'm sorry ", not " where are you? ", but "I'm here ", not "how could you? ", but "I understand, not "I wish y ou were here ", but "I'm thankful you are ". 11) The beginning of love is to let those we love be just themselves, and not tw ist with our own image. Otherwise, we love only the reflection of ourselves we f ind in them. 12) If a relationship is truly meant for you, your love will find a way to make it happen, and God will be there to make sure it will stay.

Eto Masakit. 1. Letting go of a person you've just learned to love. 2. Reminiscing the good times you shared together. 3. Shielding your heart from loving somebody. 4. Trying to hide what you really feel. 5. Trying to hide the tears that involuntarily fall from your eyes. 6. Loving a person too much. 7. Giving up someone you never thought of giving up. 8. Having the right love at the wrong time.

9. Taking the risk to fall in love again. 10. Hiding your relationship from someone else. 11. Controlling your feelings to avoid hurting a friend. 12. Letting go, because every time you see the person, you only fall deeper. 13. Holding back only to find out its too late, you both felt the same way, but were only scared to lose each other so much that you didn't let the feelings out . 14. Falling in love with someone you didn't mean to fall in love with. 15. Finding the perfect guy with only one problem. He doesn't love you the way y ou want him to. 16. Helping the one you love make ligaw to your friend. 17. Seeing the one your love crying for someone else. 18. The waiting also hurts like hell. 19. Having to hear, " I've met someone" (my best friend's wedding ito...) 20. Agreeing to his wish to just be friends. 21. Asking his freedom back because he'd be happier with her. 22. Asking you to forget that everything happened and be normal friends again. 23. Hearing that you're treated as a little sis. 24. Sharing his future plans for the girl with you. 25. You stopped being friends because his gf asked him to. 26. Being denied in front of people. 27. Telling you lies where he'd been when actually, he was with a new friend or an old flame. 28. He told you he'd be leaving you to return to his ex (d one he left 4 u!) 29. Breaking someone's heart. 30. Fighting for that one thing that would make you happy; that is, holding on t o a person who can not guarantee you his commitment unless he fix himself, then you are left hanging for a moment. Then he says, time will tell. Ang labo n iya but you still decided to hope in him and trust him. 31. Pretending you're OK when inside youre dying. 32. Pretending to be strong and recognizing your weaknesses. 33. Lying in bed each night, thinking of that special person you can never have. 34. Being with someone you can't actually love.

35. Pretending you don't love a person whom you actually love. 36. Being in love. 37. Letting go even if you really dont want to; having no right to say you are h urting because it was your decision. 38. Seeing the person you love hurt because of you and not being able to help th at person. 39. Having the courage to say I LOVE YOU to the person you love and finding out afterwards that the things will never be the same again when he doesn't treat yo u with the same closeness as before. 40. Having to face the fact that someone is capable of completely destroying the wall that you have set for yourself, leaving you weak and vulnerable. 41. Admitting that you love someone despite his imperfections. 42. Finding out that the more you try to hate him, the more you end up loving hi m, perhaps even more than before.

A soulmate is someone who has the locks to fit our keys, and the keys to fit our locks. When we feel safe enough to open the locks, our truest selves step out and we can be completely and honestly who we; we can be loved for who we are and for who we're pretending to be. Each of us unveils the best part of one another. No matter what else goes wrong around us, with that one person were safe in our paradise. Our soulmate is someone who shares our deepest longings, our sense of direction. When we're two balloons, and together our direction is up, chances are we've found the right person. Our soulmate is the one who makes life come to life.

>Girl: Do I ever cross your mind? >Boy: No >Girl: Do you like me? >Boy: Not really >Girl: Do you want me? >Boy: No >Girl: Would you cry if I left? >Boy: No >Girl: Would you live for me? >Boy: No >Girl: Would you do anything for me? >Boy: No way >Girl: What would you choose: your life..or me? >Boy: My life The girl runs away in shock and pain and the boy runs after her and says... The reason you never cross my mind is because you're always on my mind. The reas

on why I don't like you is because I love you. The reason I don't want you is be cause I need you. The reason I wouldn't cry if you left is because I would die i f you left. The reason I wouldn't live for you is because I would die for you. T he reason why I'm not willing to do anything for you is because I would do every thing for you. The reason I chose my life is because you ARE my life. Fifty Ways to Love Your Partner by Mark and Chrissy Donnelly 1. Love yourself first. 2. Start each day with a hug. 3. Serve breakfast in bed. 4. Say "I love you" every time you part ways. 5. Compliment freely and often. 6. Appreciate - and celebrate - your differences. 7. Live each day as if it's your last. 8. Write unexpected love letters. 9. Plant a seed together and nurture it to maturity. 10. Go on a date once every week. 11. Send flowers for no reason. 12. Accept and love each other's family and friends. 13. Make little signs that say "I love you" and post them all over the house. 14. Stop and smell the roses. 15. Kiss unexpectedly. 16. Seek out beautiful sunsets together. 17. Apologize sincerely. 18. Be forgiving. 19. Remember the day you fell in love - and recreate it. 20. Hold hands. 21. Say "I love you" with your eyes. 22. Let her cry in your arms. 23. Tell him you understand. 24. Drink toasts of love and commitment. 25. Do something arousing. 26. Let her give you directions when you're lost. 27. Laugh at his jokes. 28. Appreciate her inner beauty. 29. Do the other person's chores for a day. 30. Encourage wonderful dreams. 31. Commit a public display of affection. 32. Give loving massages with no strings attached. 33. Start a love journal and record your special moments. 34. Calm each other's fears. 35. Walk barefoot on the beach together. 36. Ask her to marry you again. 37. Say yes. 38. Respect each other. 39. Be your partner's biggest fan. 40. Give the love your partner wants to receive. 41. Give the love you want to receive. 42. Show interest in the other's work. 43. Work on a project together. 44. Build a fort with blankets. 45. Swing as high as you can on a swingset by moonlight. 46. Have a picnic indoors on a rainy day. 47. Never go to bed mad. 48. Put your partner first in your prayers. 49. Kiss each other goodnight.

50. Sleep like spoons.

Medical One-Liners Q: What is the difference between a genealogist and a gynecologist? A: A genealogist looks up your family tree, A gynecologist looks up your family bush! ************************************************** Alw ays make sure the proctologist has only one hand on your waist while probing . ************************************************* What advice don't you want to hear from a doctor before an operation? "Whatever you do, don't go into the light." ************************************************* A patient complained to his doctor, "I've been to three other doctors and none o f them agreed with your diagnosis." The doctor calmly replied, "Don't listen to those quacks. Just wait until the au topsy, then we'll see who was right." ************************************************ The doctor took his patient into a room and said, "I have some good news and som e bad news." The patient said, "Give me the good news first." "They're going to name a disease after you." ************************************************ Grave- n. A place in which the dead are laid to await the coming of the doctor. --Ambrose Bierce, The Devil's Dictionary ************************************************ When the doctor called Mrs. Lieberman to tell her that her check came back, she replied, "So did my arthritis." *********************************************** A man is laying on the operating table, about to be operated on by his son, the surgeon. The father says, "Son, think of it this way... If anything happens to me, your m other is coming to live with you." *********************************************** Q: If tennis players get tennis elbow, and squash players get squash knees, what do gynecologists get? A: Tunnel vision!

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