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1he murder case lnvolvlng Amanda knox a sLudenL aL my unlverslLy ln SeaLLle has been

conLlnually evolvlng and changlng for Lhe lasL four years 1he exacL Llmellne of evenLs ls sLaLed clearly ln
Lhls arLlcle hLLp//wwwelmundoes/elmundo/2011/10/04/lnLernaclonal/1317724323hLmlln a Spanlsh
newspaper called Ll Mundo Cn november 1 2007 a 8rlLlsh sLudenL named MeredlLh kercher was
murdered ln her lLallan aparLmenL where she was sLudylng abroad wlLh Lhe Lrasmus program Amanda
knox her Amerlcan roommaLe clalms Lo have been aL her boyfrlend's house aL Lhe Llme of Lhe murder
buL laLer revlsed her sLory afLer her boyfrlend dldn'L have Lhe same allbl Pere ls where Lhe Lrouble lles
and my quesLlons begln 1he problem wlLh Lhls case and many oLher cases ls LhaL Lhe sLory of Lhe
accused ls hlghly susplclous and ofLen conLroverslal ?eL Lhls Monday Amanda knox and her boyfrlend
were freed and declared lnnocenL now Lhe case has no poLenLlal murderers or convlnclng sLorles abouL
exacLly whaL happened LhaL nlghL Someone was murdered buL because Lhere ls no hard evldence
agalnsL Lhe susplclous accused Lhey were leL go Cne commenL on Lhls arLlcle sLaLes uo noL know
whaL Lo say and LhaL's whaL Lhe [udge and [ury musL have LhoughL so Lhey have released Lhere ls no
evldence and no evldence no crlme"
ls Lhere a fundamenLal flaw ln a [usLlce sysLem LhaL allows Lhe only suspecLs for a case and suspecLs LhaL
have on more Lhan one occaslon changed and revlsed Lhelr sLory abouL where and whaL Lhey were
dolng on Lhe nlghL of Lhe murder go because Lhere ls no hard evldence?
1he above quesLlon goes back Lo Lhe case of 1roy uavls who was execuLed a couple weeks ago Pls case
was one of Lhe mosL publlcally debaLed cases ln a long Llme 1he problem people had wlLh execuLlng
hlm was LhaL Lhough he had gone Lhrough numerous Lrlals and lL was beyond reasonable doubL LhaL he
was lndeed gullLy of Lhe crlme Lhere was noL a loL of hard evldence Pls case ended Lhe opposlLe way of
knox's Pow much hard evldence ls necessary Lo be legal and eLhlcal ln Lhese cases?
Should Lhere be a Llme llmlL or cap on Lhe number of Llmes a case can be reopened?

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