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Dantes Inferno Study Guide Dante 35 years old Virgil Roman poet who wrote duet Mount of Joy

ount of Joy is concrete identity that represents abstract ideas Allegory Metaphorical Animal Farm Vernacular Language of the people Dante has shift of Medieval mind-set Dante says good life, not suffering for next life Ravening Wanting without being satisfied Dantes Cosmology

Canto III Focus o Vestibule First Impressions o Opportunities o Punishment fits crime o Horror and grotesques macabre o Charon o Acheron River? Idea Decay Repeated in what images? o List other ideas Light? o Translation issues (Milton) Canto V (Circles Diagram) o Point of view First person so Dante is also a literary character o Paolo: Francesca (Dialogue) condemnation? o Minos Dido Helen (Wind) Carnal Flesh o Virtuous pagan A good person born before Christ o Dantes Inferno is in first person because he created himself as a fictional character Bio of Giovanna (Paolo) and Francesca had affair for any years Punishment See each other, but not able to enjoy each others company See Fragsteins Michael Fragstein o The earth is round o Discuss choices of animator in relation to comic Review Canto V Explore Dante worlds o Contrapasso Crime for punishment Gate of hell or dark wood o Anaphora Poetic device using repetition to drive home a point o Terza Rhyme Three line stanza using chain rhyme: A-B-A, B-C-B, C-D-C o Fortune Chance or luck as external force affecting human affairs/gods o Allegory A story or poem that can be interpreted to reveal a hidden message o Acheron One of the rivers of Hades/Hell o Styx A river in Hell, over which Charon ferried the souls of the dead Where do the unbaptized infants go? o Limbo Canto IV Waterfall represents underground crack or fissure Lion, leopard, and she-wolf represent pride and violence, fraud, and lack of control (In that order)

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