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Cirurgia 1

Captulo de Trauma Sociedade Portuguesa de Cirurgia Centro Hospitalar Tondela - Viseu

Centro Hospitalar Tondela-Viseu

Hospital de Pedro Hispano

Eva Barbosa - Hospital de Pedro Hispano Fernando Ferreira - Hospital de Pedro Hispano Jorge Pereira Rodrigues da Silva - Hospital de Pedro Hispano Auditor Externo: Hayato Kurihara European Society for Trauma and Emergency Surgery Vice-Chair of the Emergency Surgery Section



Servio de Cirurgia 1 - CHTViseu Servio de Imagiologia - CHTViseu Exames Especiais - CHTViseu Bloco Operatrio - CHTViseu


Sociedade Portuguesa de Cirurgia Captulo de Trauma - SPC

Curso de Ecografia para Cirurgies

14 de Janeiro

Vogal Zona Centro do Captulo de Trauma SPC Jorge Pereira

Every doctor takes decisions everyday. Usually we can take our time planning a surgical strategy, reflecting on the clinical scenario or discussing with our colleagues. Thats most of the time.... death? But what about if the patient is bleeding to

14:30 Sesso de Abertura e Boas vindas 14:35 Principios bsicos de fisica e terminologia Rodrigues da Silva 15:10 Instrumentao e tcnicas de aquisio Jorge Pereira 15:25 Conceito de e-FAST Eva Barbosa 15:40 Validade do e-FAST quando realizado por no radiologistas Fernando Ferreira 16:00 Vdeo e-FAST Rodrigues da Silva 16:15 Bedside US in acute care Surgery Hayato Kurihara 16:30 Intervalo 16:45 Sesso Prtica com pacientes ao vivo 19:00 Avaliao 19:30 Concluso

Our decision is crucial... the treatment of bleeding is to stop the bleeding, what else? No time to think too much in the trauma patient. We want to know if our patient has blood in the abdomen and/or in the chest and take the right decision at the right time which should be always the same: control the bleeder!

The E-FAST is a must course for all doctors. After such a course you will start to think different and you will want more from ultrasound. US will be part of the algorytms you already have in your mind and E-FAST will be the frst step toward the philosophy of point-of-care-ultrasound.

Hayato Kurihara, MD European Society for Trauma and Emergency Surgery Vice-Chair of the Emergency Surgery Section

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