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aLlenL's roflle

name 1rlple x Age 62

Sex Male 8ace llllplno
SLaLus Marrled
uaLe of Admlsslon SepLember 13 2011 aL 136 am
Chlef ComplalnL Loss of consclousness
ulagnosls hypoxlc anoxlc encephalopaLhy

1he paLlenL lmmedleLly rush Lo fumc because of loss of consclousness and dlfflculLy of breaLhlng upon
lylng down 1he paLlenL has a medlcal hlsLory and a famlly hlsLory of hyperLenslon he ls also a smoker
and occaslonally alcohol drlnker
lmpresslon hypoxlc anoxlc encephalopaLhy w/ a condlLlon of mulLl organ fallure acuLe coronary
syndrome v1AC Sv1 acuLe kldney ln[ury acuLe Lubular necrosls

hyslcal examlnaLlon
Ceneral survey unconsclous
Skln () cyanosls
ead plnklsh palpable con[uncLlva anlcLerlc sclera
LxLremlLles () edema () 8ablnskl reflex no noLed movemenLs of exLremlLles
ChesL/lungs resplraLory dlsLress no nosocomlal dlscharge
Abdomen no Lonslllo pharyngeal symmeLrlcally chesL paln w/ no reLenLlon vesLlbular breaLh sound
normo acLlve bowel sound

lnlLlal AssessmenL
8 160/100 888 864 1367
CCS 3 weak pulse

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