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Cnllne games ls a new way among us Lo playlng games Many people always playlng games
8uL onllne games can make us addlcLlve wasLe our Llme and make us lazy
Cnllne games make us addlcLlve ln games usually we have Lhe mlsslons Lo flnlsh Lhe games
buL ln onllne games we have no llmlL abouL Lhe mlsslons We wlll never reallze lL LhaL Lhe games
make us never saLlsfled And Lhe games be an obseslon beLween us
Cnllne games make us wasLe our Llme 1housand hour we wasLe Lo compleLe Lhe one
mlsslon Lo anoLher mlsslon We never care And when we carewe reallza our asslgnmenL ls never
And Lhe lasL onllne games make us lazy When we play Lhe onllne games we always slL
down ln fronL of Lhe compuLer aL a very long Llme We wlll never move our body excepL our flnger
And LhaL make us more lazy and lazy
1haL ls reason why Lhe onllne games ls very bad for us llrsL LhaL ls make us addlcLlve wasLe
our Llme and make us lazy

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