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kef|ect|on on the survey

1ask 1
llrsL our group declded our quesLlons by Lhe surveys oLher people have senL us We dldn'L used Lhe
same quesLlons buL we [usL had a look for some ldeas Lhen we changed Lhe quesLlons more deLalled
and more speclflcally because Lhe maln quesLlon our group chose was Lhe dlfferenL one whlch was
Pow has messaglng changed Lhrough Llme?" so we had Lo change Lhe quesLlon Lo our way and Lhe
sources we wanL Lo flnd ouL abouL lL for Lhe answer of our quesLlons Cur plan was Lo lnLervlew y6
y7 and y8 buL Lhe dellvery of Lhe mall has falled so we senL our survey Lo our class 8a only and
14people of my class maLe answered our survey
lf l dld Lhls survey agaln Lhen l would change Lhe quesLlons more easlly Lo answer because when l
had Lo answer Lhe survey quesLlons from oLher people lL was klnd of hard Lo undersLand lL of whaL
Lhey wanLed lL Lo be answered l would ask Lhe quesLlons more dlfferenL from Lhe oLhers because
when l Look Lhe survey Lhe quesLlons was mosLly Lhe same and l goL slmllar survey from Len person
and Lhe quesLlons were all slmllar so lL was klnd of frusLraLlng whlle l was answerlng Lhe same
quesLlons agaln and agaln lor example one of Lhe quesLlon oLher person send us was whaL do you
Lhlnk of Lhe negaLlve and poslLlve of uslng LelecommunlcaLlon so Lhey had LhaL quesLlon mosLly ln
Lhe survey nexL Llme lf we do Lhls survey agaln Lhen l would make Lhe survey dlfferenL and
lnLeresLlng from Lhe oLhers by Lhlnklng lL oLher way 1he second Lhlng when l do Lhe survey agaln ls
LhaL lL would be more nlcer lf we wrlLe some pollLe leLLer's llke lease Lake Lhls survey 1hank you"
and noL Lo wrlLe do my survey" because when l read Lhe messages LhaL oLher people send Lo me l
felL more nlce when Lhey was saylng ln a pollLe way Lo me for Lhe survey so even Lhough our group
send lL pollLe l LhoughL lL wlll be more beLLer lf we add have a good day" and sLuff
1ask 2
llrsL mosL of Lhe people ln Lhe world llke Lo use LelecommunlcaLlons because lL's easy and
comforLable Lo access Lo Lhe web slLe Lo communlcaLe and soclallze ln Loday lf we have a Lhlnk of
LelecommunlcaLlon ln Lhe fuLure of course mosL people wlll llke Lhe changes and some cool new
Lechnlques of uslng LelecommunlcaLlons buL lf we Lhlnk abouL uslng LelecommunlcaLlons aL Lhe
fuLure serlously Lhen Lhe poslLlve LhoughLs of Lhe LelecommunlcaLlons wlll fly away and we wlll sLarL
Lhlnklng of negaLlve problem by uslng LelecommunlcaLlons l guess mosL of Lhe people Lhlnk of Lhelr
healLh flrsL Lhan anyLhlng else ln Lhe world so Lhe peoples ln Lhe world mlghL Lhlnk lf Lhe
LelecommunlcaLlon geL more developed Lhen Lhe chlldren's won'L play around on Lhe grass llke
before and Lhe chlldren's wlll geL faLLer and faLLer by [usL sLaylng aL home and uslng
LelecommunlcaLlon and maybe Lhe amounL of obese wlll lncrease every year!! 1he adulLs wlll be Lhe
same as a chlld so Lhere mlghL be only faL peoples llvlng ln Lhe earLh aL Lhe fuLure
l Lhlnk Lhe people Lhlnk changes ln LelecommunlcaLlons are an opporLunlLy because flrsL lf
Alexander Craham 8ell dldn'L lnvenLed Lhe Lelephone (he ls noL Lhe real person who acLually made lL
buL he lnvenLed Lhe Lelephone) and Lhe flrsL person who lnvenLed Lhe compuLer dldn'L lnvenLed
Lhose Lwo maln machlnes we are uslng Loday Lhan Lhere mlghL be noLhlng happenlng unLll Loday lf
Lhey dld noL lnvenLed 1he web slLe or anyLhlng else we are uslng for LelecommunlcaLlon goL made
afLer lnvenLlon of phone and compuLer because lf compuLer wasn'L lnvenLed Lhen Lhe lnLerneL
Comment |]H1]: es very good polnL
Comment |]H2]: lnLeresLlng
wouldn'L geL lnvenLed and lf Lhe lnLerneL dldn'L goL lnvenLed Lhen Lhere won'L be any web slLes for
LelecommunlcaLlon So l Lhlnk Lhe people Lhlnks changes ln LelecommunlcaLlons are an opporLunlLy
l Lhlnk sLudylng and dolng Lhe works ls Lhe changes ln LelecommunlcaLlons makes people Lhlnk are
Lhe mosL slgnlflcanL because for Lhe sLudenLs someLlmes Lhey have Laken an onllne LuLor (dolng
LuLor by lnLerneL eg uslng Skype and sLuff Lo communlcaLe abouL Lhe sLudles) or asklng frlend's or
Leachers abouL Lhe home work and some quesLlons LhaL you're noL sure abouL lor Lhe adulLs Lhey
have Lo do Lhelr works so Lhey mlghL conLacL Lo each oLher for Lhe meeLlng Llme

Comment |]H3]: lnLeresLlng polnLs Angela

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