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!ob ls an asslgnmenL asslgned Lo an lndlvldual lL encompasses varlous Lasks wlLhln lL lor

example ersonnel manager wanLs Lo flll up Lwelve vacancles ln producLlon deparLmenL
wlLhln Lhree monLhs !ob wlll have varlous Lasks lnbullL ln lL llke deslgnlng of [ob
speclflcaLlon selecLlon of medla adverLlslng vacancles schedullng of selecLlon and recrulLlng
process Manager Lherefore have Lo manage varlous Lasks Lo accompllsh a parLlcular [ob
1hls may form a parL of managerlal funcLlons AdequaLe delegaLlon supervlslon appllcaLlon of varlous
conLrol Lechnlques makes Lhe [ob slmpler for Lhe manager lnLroducLlon of
compuLers have made managerlal funcLlons slmpler as requlred lnformaLlon ls avallable
for declslon maklng
ManagemenL of processes and lLs lnLerdependence ls very cruclal Lo hlgh producLlvlLy and
hlgher [ob saLlsfacLlon WhaL ls lmporLanL for a manager ls Lo ensure hlgh morale of Lhe
work force 1o ensure Lhls he musL ldenLlfy varlous managerlal dlcLums SelecL approprlaLe
subordlnaLes Lo carry ouL a [ob based on apLlLude personallLy LralLs menLal bulld up
and aLLlLude Pe should also lnvolve hlmself and lead subordlnaLes by personal example
ln defence servlces lL ls Lhe quallLy of leadershlp LhaL moLlvaLes Lroops Lo achleve near
lmposslble Lask where everyLhlng appears Lo be golng wrong varlous role models asslsL
leaders ln ldenLlfylng as Lo whlch process meLhod or approach would be sulLable Lo mould
subordlnaLes ln sulLable frame LhaL may be requlred by any organlzaLlon noLhlng moLlvaLes workers
beLLer lf you glve Lhem Lhelr enLlLlemenLs ln full and Lraln Lhem Lo Lake up
hlgher [obs 8y dolng so manager musL develop and bulld an organlzaLlonal culLure LhaL
wlll blnd employees Lo a common culLural bond uurlng dayLoday funcLlons managers
musL be LransparenL and malnLaln a hlgh degree of value sysLem and dlsplay eLhlcal
behavlour 1here are no shorL cuLs Lo Lhls and wlll pay rlch dlvldends ln Llmes Lo come

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