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Pow Lo lmpress a glrl and make her fall ln love wlLh you ls Lhe nexL quesLlon LhaL crops

up lL seems a
Lough Lask aL flrsL especlally lf you are a llLLle shy and lnLroverL buL lL lsn'L as Lough as rockeL sclence

1 1he manLra Lo success here ls Lo be your self 8emember glrls llke guys who do noL Lry Lo be llke
someone else or preLend Lo be over smarL [usL Lo lmpress oLhers Such Lhlngs can easlly puL off glrls
and could end your quesL even before beglnnlng AfLer all flrsL lmpresslon ls ofLen Lhe lasL

2 1he key here ls noL even Lrylng Lo Lhlnk abouL lmpresslng Lhe glrl when you are acLually Lrylng Lo
do so 1he reason for Lhls belng LhaL guys ofLen lose Lhelr orlglnallLy and go ouL of Lhe way when
Lrylng Lo lmpress glrls and end up belng labeled as mere showoffs 1he besL way Lhus Lo go abouL
Lhe [ob ls Lo be your own self and leL Lhlngs happen on Lhelr own

3 AnoLher blg mlsLake LhaL guys ofLen make ls Lo Lhlnk LhaL glrls are lmpressed by money Powever
Lhe LruLh ls LhaL lf a glrl ls wlLh someone because Lhe guy has money Lhen she ls only lnLeresLed ln
Lhe money and noL Lhe guy More Lhan money and maLerlal Lhlngs whaL glrls look for ln a guy ls a
carlng aLLlLude Lhe way he Lalks and presenLs hlmself as well as a good sense of humour Pavlng
Lhese quallLles can easlly overshadow Lhe lack of money

4 Clrls come across numerous men who Lry Lo lmpress Lhem wlLh all LhaL Lhey've goL 8uL Lhe sad
parL ls LhaL mosL end up loslng Lhelr orlglnallLy and are puL ln Lhe same caLegory and labeled as
losers 1here ls a huge posslblllLy LhaL you Loo may end up ln Lhe same caLegory unless you are
dlfferenL Lhan Lhe oLhers

3 1ry Lo klck sLarL a conversaLlon whlch ln Lurn may and ofLen does lead Lo Lhe sLarL of a
relaLlonshlp 8uL Lo be able Lo Lalk someLhlng LhaL makes sense you would have Lo be lnLelllgenL and
know abouL varlous lnLeresLlng Lhlngs 1he manLra Lo become knowledgeable ls Lo read a loL and Lry
Lo keep upLodaLe wlLh Lhe evenLs around you

6 AnoLher Lhlng LhaL mosL guys are usually careless abouL ls personal hyglene 1ry Lo dress smarLly
and comb your halr properly as an unLldy looklng person can be a puLoff for anybody 1ry Lo be a
llLLle humorous buL refraln from belng Loo ouLspoken as lL may offend Lhe oLher person

7 8especL Lhe glrl and glve her some space so LhaL she does noL feel llke wanLlng Lo geL ouL of Lhe
place qulckly A good way Lo break Lhe lce ls Lo sLarL by asklng her Lhe Llme and pralse her waLch

8 lf you are golng Lo a resLauranL remember LhaL Lhe boy ls expecLed Lo pay Lhe blll

lollow Lhe above Llps and you wlll surely be able Lo lmpress Lhe glrl of your dreams!

?ou mlghL also be lnLeresLed ln knowlng how Lo geL a glrl Lo llke you

How To Impress Girls - 4 Simple Tactics To Seduce Her And Make Her Feel Impressed

Tactic #1: ~Stop Qualifying Yourself. It`s a mistake to think that in order to impress a girl,
you will need to tell her about the millions you got stashed in a Swiss back, the Lambo set oI
wheels and how many women you banged last weekend. Bragging will not get you anywhere
(even though iI the things that you boast about is true). You`ll come across as a total
douchebag iI you desperately try to qualiIy yourselI.
Don`t let a woman judge you it will put you in a weak position as you will be less attractive
to her. Instead, you should make her qualiIy herselI to you instead see the next tactic.

Tactic #2: ~Make Her Qualify Herself. In order to impress a girl, you must master the art
oI getting her to QUALIFY herselI to you. One way to do this is to CHALLENGE her. Use
the next tactic to ask her questions that make her qualiIy herselI.

Tactic #3: ~Ask Her Leading Questions. There are some good 'leading questions that
slightly challenge her and Ways To Impress A Girl
draw her to you -
O 'So what do you do for fun?` This seemingly innocent question will make her to
rethink her answers so that she come across to you as a spontaneous, Iun-loving
O 'Apart from looking good, what makes you different from other women?` This puts
her in the Irame oI mind that she needs to come across as 'better than other women.
O 'If you were at kissing school, how would your teacher rate you?` II she says 'Grade
A, of course'`, then tell her to prove it to you.
ord of caution: you must never be seen as condescending when you deliver these lines. Be
a little 'covert so that you get your lines across without sounding judgmental. The Iollowing
tactic will give you the essential tools to be completely under-the-radar when you seduce
Tactic #4: ~Fractionation. This is a super powerIul tactic that underground seducers use to
impress women into quickly Ialling in love with them. It involves using a speciIic 4-step
Iormula which makes a woman Ieel emotionally addicted to a man. and make her do
anything Ior him. II you want an easy way to impress a girl and make her like you quickly,
then you should check out this easy (but deadly eIIective) dating technique.

But since you are here Ior speciIically because you asked how to impress a girl, here are Iive
quick steps.
1. Speak LOUD!
-Loud is a sign that you are unstiIled, and at ease with your environment. It shows that you
are comIortable talking to her, and have talked to other girls just as cute as she is, making her
Ieel more attracted.
2. Take up Space.
-Get big. Have a presence. Create an aura. The more physical space you can take up both as
you talk and seated, the more it conveys that you are not insecure about your surroundings, a
very attractive trait.
3. Maintain Eye Contact.
-One oI the Iirst thing a girl looks at when trying to determine iI you are a high value
attractive man is how much you are able to maintain eye contact as you talk to her. Hold it
strong, even when you Ieel uncomIortable, get used to holding.
4. Have FUN!
-Stress is an indicator that your liIe is not handled. The most high value attractive guys have
their shit together and Ieel at ease in the world. They can have Iun because they have little to
worry about.
5. Convey your Intent.
-Most guys are aIraid to show that they actually like the girl, but iI you can authentically
show that you like her, and are willing to be vulnerable, it conveys MASSIVE value

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