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In ancient times cats were worshipped as gods; they have not forgotten this.

~Terry Pratchett What greater gift than the love of a cat? ~Charles Dickens People that hate cats will come back as mice in their next life. ~Faith Resnick No heaven will not ever Heaven be Unless my cats are there to welcome me. ~Author Unknown There is, incidentally, no way of talking about cats that enables one to come off as a sane person. ~Dan Greenberg When you're used to hearing purring and suddenly it's gone, it's hard to silence the blaring sound of sadness. ~Missy Altijd Any conditioned cat-hater can be won over by any cat who chooses to make the effort. ~Paul Corey You cannot look at a sleeping cat and feel tense. ~Jane Pauley To err is human, to purr is feline. ~Robert Byrne The way to keep a cat is to try to chase it away. ~E.W. Howe To bathe a cat takes brute force, perseverance, courage of conviction - and a cat. The last ingredient is usually hardest to come by. ~Stephen Baker Some people say man is the most dangerous animal on the planet. Obviously those people have never met an angry cat. ~Lillian Johnson Time spent with cats is never wasted. ~May Sarton Who would believe such pleasure from a wee ball o' fur? ~Irish Saying A meow massages the heart. ~Stuart McMillan

Cats have an infallible understanding of total concentration - and get between you and it. ~Arthur Bridges God made the cat in order that man might have the pleasure of caressing the lion. ~Fernand Mery If only cats grew into kittens. ~R. Stern If there were to be a universal sound depicting peace, I would surely vote for the purr. ~Barbara L. Diamond

Q: What color is a happy cat? A: Purrrple.

Q: What do you call a cat penny? A: A purr cent. Q: Where did the kittens go on their class trip? A: To a mewseum. Q: When is it unlucky to have a black cat cross your path? A: When you're a mouse! Q: How many cat have been elected President of the United States? A1: Thomeows Jefferson. A2: Grow-fer Cleveland. A3: James Meowonroe. A4: Hairy S. Truman. A5: Jimmy Catter. A6: Dwight D. Einsenmeower. A7: James A. Garfield! Aspirin is poisonous to cats. Cats have AB blood groups just like people. You can tell a cat's mood by looking into its eyes. A frightened or excited cat will have large, round pupils. An angry cat will have narrow pupils. The pupil size is related as much to the cat's emotions as to the degree of light. Cats can't taste sweets.

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