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1he followlng broad sLeps may help gulde you Lhrough Lhe concepL developmenL phase

-repare a seL of producL/servlce speclflcaLlons as descrlbed ln ChapLer 3 of uL ?ou wlll noLe

qulckly LhaL some of Lhe sLeps are noL dlrecLly appllcable Lo some producLs lor example you
mlghL wanL Lo replace unlL cosL (for a physlcal good LhaL ls manufacLured) wlLh developmenL
and supporL cosL (for a servlce)
1PlS lS uCnL LA8L? ln 1PL WLLk
Carol and Sharad
-erform a funcLlonal decomposlLlon of your producL such as descrlbed on pages 101103 of Lhe
LexL book lor each of Lhe subsysLems creaLe several concepLs
WPl1 WlLL SLnu Cu1 vALuL CPAln
1PlS lS uCnL 8? WhlL Sallne
-Make use of exLernal search leaduser lnLervlews compeLlng producLs whlch share some of
your subfuncLlons paLenLs eLc lor example you may wanL Lo conducL a paLenL search for
relaLed concepLs
CnL L8SCn uCLS 1PlS Manuel
-Come up wlLh a classlflcaLlon Lree or a concepL comblnaLlon Lable as demonsLraLed on pages
112 and 114 of Lhe LexL book

8y golng Lhrough a process slmllar Lo LhaL ouLllned ln LxhlblL 73 or 77 ldenLlfy one or Lwo
producL/servlce concepLs LhaL you wanL Lo pursue furLher lease noLe LhaL Lhe suggesLed meLhods
come wlLh several caveaLs so donL follow Lhem bllndly lf you feel lL ls approprlaLe you can also Lurn Lo
Lhe cusLomer for help wlLh concepL selecLlon (see chapLer 7)

lf you are developlng a physlcal producL lndlcaLe whlch parLs you wanL Lo produce lnLernally (lf any)
whlch parLs Lo source exLernally (aLLach phoLocoples of vendor caLalogs) and who wlll ulLlmaLely
assemble your producL
lor (lnLerneL) servlce producLs descrlbe whlch servlces you wanL Lo do lnLernally and whlch exlsLlng
Lechnologles you wanL Lo embed ln your servlce (eg lbased vldeoconferenclng an Amazon zshop
for dlsLrlbuLlon and bllllng eLc)

uocumenL your work ln one or more of Lhe followlng ways
-SLory board or verbal descrlpLlon of user lnLeracLlon
-CLher producLs LhaL share slmllar funcLlonallLy
-Panddrawn skeLches
-Screen shoLs for sofLware producLs and lnLerneL servlces
-MaLerlal provldlng Lhe emoLlonal appeal of Lhe producL (logo graphlcs on Lhe screen eLc)

SeLup and send ouL survey

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