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Ribbed Ear Flap Hat

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Ribbed Ear Flap Hat

Home Raining Cats and Dogs Hat Hand To Hand Hat Fan and Feather Hat and Booties Pocket Hat Ribbed Ear Flap Hat Fling into Spring Baby, Toddler and Child's Crocheted Hat Pattern Waffle Hat Mock Cable Hat Checkered Band Hat Daffodil Hat Snowflake Hat

Snug, warm hat in Child and Adult sizes.

Easy Ribbed Ear Flap Hat

Copyright August 2004, by Gail Bable

Materials Needed: 3 ozs. Worsted weight yarn Size 7 or 8 , 16 circular needle Same size double points Yarn needle for weaving in ends Stitch marker Ear Flaps: Using double point needles , cast on 3 stitches , and knit I-cord for approx. 15 (To make I -Cord, K 3, slide stitches to end of needle and knit 3 again without turning work. Keep repeating until desired length, forming a nice little tube) Row 1: K in front and back of each stitch across 6 sts.) Row 2: Knit across Row 3: Inc 1 as in row 1, Knit to last stitch , Inc 1 ( 8 sts) Row 4: K3, purl to last 3 sts. K3


Ribbed Ear Flap Hat

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Repeat rows 3 and 4 until you have 16 sts on needles. Work Four rows even on the 16 sts. keeping the first and last three stitches in K on your purl rows (even rows). Place stitches on a holder and fasten off. Knit second ear flap the same but, don t remove from the needles. With circular needle knit across 2nd ear flap and cast on 20 for a child (24 adult) sts. Knit stitches from holder onto circular needle and then cast on 20 (24 more stitches) place marker and join being careful not to twist your stitches. You ll now have 72 stitches for a child s hat and 80 for an adult s. Hat: Row 1: Knit around Row 2-8: K1, P1 around Row 9: K3, P1 around Repeat Row 9 until hat measures approx. 5 (6 ) Decreasing for top: Row 1: K1, K 2 tog, P1 around Rows 2 ,3, and 4: K2, P1 around Row 5: K 2 tog, P1 Rows , 6, 7,8: K1, P1 around Row 9: K 2 tog Row 10: Knit Row 11: K 2 tog around until 10 stitches remain. Weave yarn through remaining stitches and fasten off tightly.


Ribbed Ear Flap Hat

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