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CvL8vlLW Cl 8uSlnLSS

1 8ACkC8Cunu
ln creaLlng a healLhler generaLlon LhaL has Lhe besL quallLy healLhy food becomes an
lmporLanL polnL LhaL musL be consldered Lo be glven Lo every human belng WlLh healLhy food
people are expecLed Lo creaLe hls besL work producLlvlLy Lhrough opLlmlzaLlon of Lhelr acLlvlLy
ln fulflllmenL of nuLrlLlonal needs for Lhe body Lhe food does noL always have Lo be expenslve
because Lhe essence of healLhy food can'L be seen merely from Lhe expenslve fallure of a food
lf people lack a healLhy dleL some evenLs may occur ranglng from nuLrlLlonal deflclency
dlseases Lo decrease Lhe focus of a LhreaL When Lhe human body ls noL geLLlng enough lnLake
when Lhey have worked hard over lLs acLlvlLles Lhls can decreaslng endurance so LhaL Lhey Loo
easlly fall lll When slck Lhe only Lhlng Lo waLch ls Lo eaL a nuLrlLlous dleL and adequaLe resL Lo
recover sLamlna PealLhy food shorLages are also causlng a chlld Lo be a decllnlng power focus
When you experlence Lhls chlldren become able Lo concenLraLe longer when sLudylng or oLher
acLlvlLles AnoLher problem may occur lf only Lo decllne Lhus affecLlng Lhe learnlng achlevemenL
and lnLelllgence make Lhem noL enLhuslasLlc ln parLlclpaLlng ln physlcal acLlvlLy oor
professlonallsm may also happen Lo adulLs who are unable Lo meeL Lhe needs of Lhelr bodles
LhaL could have a ma[or lmpacL for Lhe loss of confldence of Lhelr colleagues lL ls lmporLanL Lo
make healLhy food producLs dally rouLlne 1he developmenL of a healLhy body wlll be felL for
Lhose who can meeL Lhe nuLrlLlonal lnLake as needed Avold Lhe paln also beneflL from Lhe
consumpLlon of nuLrlLlous foods so LhaL expendlLures for medlcal expenses can be suppressed
8elng able Lo save lLs own advanLages as well Loday lor LhaL healLhy food becomes someLhlng
LhaL ls absoluLely Lo be meL for all people
2 C8!LC1lvLS Anu 8LnLll1S
1he ob[ecLlves of ersonal 1asLe" are
a Soclallzlng llve healLhy by eaLlng nuLrlLlous food
b resenLlng a new food menu of healLhy and nuLrlLlous
c resenLlng a menu wlLh an lnLeresLlng presenLaLlon of Lhe ordlnance dellclous
and healLhy way of food or beverages
d appeal Lo Lhose who are busy buL sLlll wanL Lo malnLaln a healLhy dleL
1he beneflLs of ersonal 1asLe" are
a eople Lo llve healLhy by eaLlng nuLrlLlous food
b A good dleL for Lhelr healLh value
c wlLh caLerlng servlces provlde convenlence dellvery
d 1he new food menu ls healLhy and nuLrlLlous for everyone
ersonal LasLe ls Lhe caLerers who provlde healLhy food we provlde a full menu of healLhy
foods wlLh naLural raw maLerlals procedures for servlng food LhaL draws on every package
menu Cur healLhy food presenLaLlon ls based on four of flve perfecLly healLhy provldlng a
healLhy and hyglenlc food for Lhe famlly employees and school chlldren aL a low prlce
varlaLlons ln Lhe menu LasLes archlpelago and abroad wlLh a dellclous flavor and dellclous
resenLed and shlpped dlrecLly afLer cooked Lo ensure your saLlsfacLlon loods cooked wlLhouL
MSC and can be Lallored Lo Lhe requesL lf Lhere are resLrlcLlons allergles or oLher LasLes We
provlde varlous Lypes of food packages hamper food orderlng offlce we also provlde for a
parLy blrLhday gaLherlng rlce cones rlce boxes varlous snacks
4 SLakeholders LocaLlon Approach 8uslness CaplLal 8uslness ManagemenL
8uslness ersonal 1asLe ls owned by 3 people and ls Lhe Lask of Lhe semesLer ln 8uslness
ro[ecL course well run and oversee Lhe buslness ln Lhe cooklng process owners dlrecLly
lnvolved our producLs have a recommendaLlon from a nuLrlLlonlsL managemenL ls governed by
buslness owners ranglng from Lhe caplLal Lhe cosL of grocerles for a whlle form a buslness
enLlLy ls a prlvaLe owned enLerprlses wlLh prlvaLe caplLal personal LasLe of buslness ls locaLed
ln Manado Manado has now become a LourlsL Lown loLs of places Lo be wlLh our buslness
fleld for example ln offlces sporLs and flLness cenLer as well as schools and Lhe general publlc
Cur caLerlng buslness emphasls on food quallLy and appearance of food parLlcularly Llmely ln
Lhe process dellver food compeLlLlve advanLage ln Lhls buslness ls Lhe dlfferenLlaLlon polnL LhaL
Lhls buslness ls a buslness LhaL ls dlfferenL from oLher Lypes of food buslnesses because Lhe
focus of Lhls efforL ls a relaLlvely new healLhy foods especlally ln Lhe area of our buslness Manado wlLh
a dlfferenL markeL segmenL from an exlsLlng buslness so LhaL Lhe compeLlLors ln Lhls buslness ls sLlll

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