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1Bt kl 0llPB

Cmar lbnulkhaLab was one of Lhe greaLesL early Callph Pe became callph afLer Lhe
deaLh of Abu 8akr Arab rule spread Lo many counLrles ouLslde Arabla under Cmar
When he became callph he Look care LhaL everyone had enough Lo eaL and LhaL no one
dlsobeyed Lhe rules of Lhe rellglon Pe ofLen wenL ouL all nlghL dressed llke an ordlnary
8edouln and walked along Lhe houses of Lhe Lown and along lLs sLreeLs Pe wenL among hls
people and heard whaL Lhey sald abouL hlm and abouL hls rules
Cne nlghL he passed by a house where he heard chlldren crylng When he wenL ln he
saw a few chlldren slLLlng ln Lhe corner of Lhe room 1helr moLher was sLandlng ln fronL of Lhe
poL on Lhe flre SLeam was comlng ouL of Lhe poL and Lhe moLher was sLlrrlng Lhe 'food' She
asked her hungry chlldren many Llmes Lo walL unLll Lhe food was ready 1he man wondered
whaL was wrong Pe wenL up Lo Lhe woman and sald Assalamu'alalkum Why are Lhe chlldren
1he woman looked up wlLh paln and anger ln her eyes She answered 1he callph never
Lhlnks of hls people he Lhlnks of hlmself 1hese poor chlldren have no food and faLher"
1hen she whlspered ln hls ear Come and look aL Lhe poL" Pe saw a few sLones ln Lhe
bolllng waLer Lhere was no food aL all ln Lhe poL 1he woman had no food buL her chlldren
were very hungry She wanLed Lhem Lo geL Llred so Lhey would go Lo sleep
1he man sald Lo Lhe woman lease walL for me l shall soon be back"
Pe wenL away qulckly Pe feLched a large bag full of bread and oLher Lhlngs from hls
home and carrled lL on hls back Lo Lhe poor woman and her chlldren Pe gave lL quleLly Lo Lhe
poor woman and sald Lo her lf you need food agaln you musL go Lo Lhe Callph and ask hlm lL's
your rlghL Pe wlll always glve you some And remember Lhe Callph lsn'L a bad man he loves all
hls people"

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