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Cne mlnd blowlng lnLervlew

lnLervlewer 1ell me abouL yourself

CandldaLe l am 8ameshwar kulkarnl l dld my 1ele CommunlcaLlon englneerlng from 8aban8ao
uholeaLll lnsL lL uLe of 1echnology

lnLervlewer 8aban8ao uholeaLll lnsL lL uLe of 1echnology? l had never heard of Lhls college
CandldaLe CreaL! Lven l had noL heard of lL before geLLlng an admlsslon lnLo lL
WhaL happened ls due Lo crlckeL world cup l scored badly! ln 12Lhl was geLLlng a pald seaL ln a
good college 8uL my faLher sald (l prefer Lo call hlm 'baap') l can noL lnvesL so much of
money"(1he baap acLually sald l wlll never wasLe so much of money on you") So l had Lo [oln Lhls
college lrankly speaklng Lhls name 8aban8ao uholeaLll can aL Lhe mosL be relaLed Lo a
SheLakarl Mahavldyalaya

lnLervlewer ok ok lL seems you have Laken 6 years Lo compleLe your englneerlng
CandldaLe AcLually l Lrled my besL Lo flnlsh lL ln 4 years 8uL you know Lhese crlckeL maLches and
fooLball world cup and Lennls LournamenLs lL ls dlfflculL Lo concenLraLe So l flunked ln 2nd and 3rd
year So ln all l Look 4 + 2 7 years

lnLervlewer 8uL 4+2 ls 6
CandldaLe Ch ls lL ? ?ou know l always had k1 ln maLhs 8uL l wlll Lry Lo keep Lhls ln mlnd 4+2 ls 6
good Lhanks 1hese crlckeL maLches really affecL exams a loL l Lhlnk Lhey should ban lL

lnLervlewer Cood Lo know LhaL you wanL crlckeL maLches Lo be banned
CandldaLe no no l am Lalklng abouL Lxams!!

lnLervlewer Ck WhaL ls your blggesL achlevemenL ln llfe?
CandldaLe Cbvlously compleLlng my Lnglneerlng My mom never LhoughL l would compleLe lL ln
facL when l flunked ln 3rd year she was looklng for a [ob for me ln 8LS1 (8us
corporaLlon ln MaharashLra ) Lhrough some relaLlve

lnLervlewer uo you have any plans of hlgher sLudy?
CandldaLe he he he Are you klddlng? CompleLlng 'lower' educaLlon lL self was so much of paln!!

lnLervlewer LeL's Lalk abouL Lechnlcal sLuff Cn whlch plaLforms have you worked?
CandldaLe Well l work aL SLLZ so you can say Andherl ls my currenL plaLforms Larller l was aL
vashl cenLer So vashl was my plaLform Lhen As you can see l have experlence of dlfferenL
plaLforms! (vashl and Andherl are Lhe places ln Mumbal)

lnLervlewer And whlch languages have you used?
CandldaLe MaraLhl Plndl Lngllsh 8y Lhe way l can keep quleL ln Cerman lrench 8usslan and
many oLher languages

lnLervlewer Why vC ls beLLer Lhan v8?
CandldaLe lL ls a common sense C comes afLer 8 So vC ls a hlgher verslon Lhan v8 l heard very
soon Lhey are comlng up w lL h a new language vu!

lnLervlewer uo you know anyLhlng abouL Assembly Language?
CandldaLe Well l have noL heard of lL 8uL l guess Lhls ls Lhe language our mlnlsLers and Ms use ln

lnLervlewer WhaL ls your general pro[ecL experlence?
CandldaLe My general experlence abouL pro[ecLs ls mosL of Lhe Llmes Lhey are ln plpellne!

lnLervlewer Can you Lell me abouL your currenL [ob?
CandldaLe Sure CurrenLly l am worklng for 8aLa lnfo 1ech lLd Slnce [olnlng 8lL l am on 8ench
8efore [olnlng 8lL l used Lo Lhlnk LhaL 8ench was anoLher sofLware llke Wlndows

lnLervlewer uo you have any pro[ecL managemenL experlence?
CandldaLe no buL l guess lL shouldn'L be dlfflculL l know Word and Lxcel l can Lalk a loL l know
how Lo dlal for lnLernaLlonal phone call and use speaker faclllLy And very lmporLanL l know few
words llke 'ShowsLoppers ' 'hoL flxes' 'SLlCMM' 'quallLy' 'verslon conLrol' 'deadllnes'
'CusLomer SaLlsfacLlon' eLc Also l can blame oLhers for my mlsLakes!

lnLervlewer WhaL are your expecLaLlons from our company?
CandldaLe noL much
1 l should aL leasL geL 40000 ln hand
2 l would llke Lo work on a llve L!8 pro[ecL 8uL lL should noL have deadllnes l personally feel LhaL
pressure affecLs naLural LalenL
3 l belleve ln flexlLlmlngs
4 uress Code ls agalnsL baslc freedom so l would llke Lo wear LshlrL and [eans
3 We musL have saLsun off l wlll suggesL Wednesday off also so as Lo avold breakdown due Lo
6 l would llke Lo go abroad 3 Llmes a year on shorL Lerm preferably 12 monLhs) asslgnmenLs
ersonally l prefer uS AusLralla and Lurope 8uL conslderlng Lhe facL LhaL Lhere are Clymplcs comlng
up ln Chlna ln Lhe currenL year l don'L mlnd golng Lhere ln LhaL perlod As you can see l am modesL
and don'L have many expecLaLlons So can l assume my selecLlon?

lnLervlewer he he he ha ha ha 1hanks for your lnLeresL ln our
organlzaLlon ln facL l was never enLerLalned so much before Welcome Lo lnlCS?S

1he fellow was appolnLed ln a newly creaLed secLlon 'SLress ManagemenL' ln Lhe P8u of lnfosys

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