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ln18CuuC1lCn 16

March '68 My Lal Amerlcan paLrol Lo hamleL Search desLroy mlsslon Lnded
347 dead ALroclLles huge lmpacL uS clvlllans vleLnamese clvlllans uS mlllLary opposlLlon Lo Lhe war
LffecLs felL mosL on opposlLlon movemenL layed cruclal role uecldlng how oLher effecLs played ouL
Massacre probably Lurnlng polnL (opposlLlon movemenL)
A8 CpposlLlon mosL lmporLanL lmpacL uSA clalmed proLecLor of freedoms llberLy
(quoLe) unnamed clvlllan sald quoLed ln vlvlenne Saunders' 1he uSA vleLnam 19431973" 8y any
ob[ecLlve sLandard Lhe unlLed SLaLes has become Lhe mosL aggresslve power ln Lhe world Lhe greaLesL
LhreaL Lo peace Lo naLlonal selfdeLermlnaLlon and Lo lnLernaLlonal cooperaLlon"
Classlc example average Amerlcans vlewlng own counLry's efforL CovernmenL anxlous Lxample kenL
SLaLe unlverslLy four sLudenLs kllled proLesLlng agalnsL lnvade Cambodla AnoLher feaLure shows
opposlLlon burnlng drafL cards famous example Mohammed All urafLed clvlllans burnL drafL cards
Average young men (before My Lal wllllng Lo war) LhoughL Lwlce
(quoLe) from page 33 of vleLnam 19391973" by nell uemaro 8y Lhe end of 1969 Lhere were
34000drafL dodgers wanLed by Lhe pollce"
CovernmenL soughL refuge from crlLlclsm ScapegoaL LL Calley leads lnLo nexL lmpacL
A8 uS clvlllans second mosL CovernmenL's acLlons LL Calley hlghllghL secLlon dlvlded Amerlca
Calley 80 of people book 1he 8aLLle Pymn of LleuLenanL Calley" sold 200000 coples Shows a loL of
Amerlcans opposed war belleved governmenL and mlllLary's faulL noL person CpposlLlon Lo blamlng
Calley llfe senLence [alled for a day house arresL for 3 years Clvlllans' lmpacL on governmenL Lyndon
8 !ohnson noL resLand elecLlon 1970 loss of supporL role ln Lhe vleLnam War commanded mlllLary
Llme of My Lal
(quoLe) from vleLnam 19391973" on page 33 shows L8!'s aLLlLude lf l abandoned Lhe CreaL SocleLy
Lo geL lnvolved ln war l would lose everyLhlng aL home lf l leL Lhe CommunlsLs wln l would be a
Shows L8! no chance reelecLlon slLuaLlon MosL llkely massacre lnfluenced publlc's oplnlon 8lame
shared by mlllLary
A8 uS mlllLary Lhlrd mosL AfLermaLh massacre search desLroy LacLlcs quesLloned (unwelcome
resulLs My Lal) uSA + lnLernaLlonal communlLy doubL ablllLy achleve war MlllLary ouL of conLrol
(quoLe) 1he 8adlo operaLor sLepped wlLhln Lwo feeL of Lhe boy and shoL hlm ln Lhe neck'dld you
see how l shoL LhaL son of a blLch?" SLanley sald l don'L see how anyone could [usL klll a kld 1hls
appeared ln page 31 of vleLnam 19391973"
Cne besL examples (+8onald L Paeberle phoLographs) wave of accounLs + phoLographs appeared afLer
massacre lmpacL on Lhe publlc + opposlLlon movemenL profound Soldlers Lhemselves My Lal lmpacL
morale ?oung lnexperlenced low lC scores vulnerable depresslon + oLher war menLal lllnesses
Soldlers less moLlvaLed loslng war posslbly vleLcong role ln ouLcome of War
vleLnamese clvlllans' fourLh mosL lmporLanL AfLer My Lal haLred uSA grew norLh vleLnamese
vleLcong + SouLh vleLnamese A8vn Clvlllans slmllar llvellhood My Lal fear slmllar aLLacks eople
slmllar slLuaLlons My Lal swlLch sldes [oln vleLcong lncrease vleLcong's power + lnfluence My Lal ls
Lurnlng polnL opposlLlon bullL up prevlously
(quoLe) from page 363 of Modern World PlsLory" shows uS's acLlons ln vleLnam bulldlng up haLred
llghLlng drove Lhousands of peasanLs lnLo shanLy Lowns near us bases poverLy prosLlLuLlon and drug
abuse was common"
robable bulld up + massacre made vleLnamese clvlllans eager cruclal role ln ouLcome of war
CCnCLuSlCn mosL slgnlflcanL CpposlLlon Lo war CpposlLlon creaLes unresL uS mlllLary felL growlng
opposlLlon Lo war (from soldlers) because of opp oLher lmpacLs more More clvlllans oppose war afLer
My Lal 1970 elecLlon used Lo advanLage (candldaLes) promlse end war nlxon won assumed war
abandoned (+ losL) resulL of Lhe opposlLlon Massacre Lurnlng polnL War

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