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Note for Approva|

ManLles and concave rlngs of Lhe Lwo cone crushers aL MuLun needs Lo be changed 1hls
[ob ls belng done for Lhe flrsL Llme aL MuLun Cur englneers and mechanlcs wlll be dolng
Lhls klnd of [ob for Lhe flrsL Llme ln vlew of Lhls lL ls recommendable Lo geL Lhe servlce of
an agency who has experlence ln dolng such [ob AfLer loLs of efforL only one agency
Socledad lndusLrlal 1aunus S A has quoLed for Lhe [ob 1he quoLed prlce ls 8s 36830
1he prlce was negoLlaLed Lo 8s

SubmlLLed for your klnd approval please

nlra[ kumar
Sr DGM M|nes

u n arlda
V M|nes

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