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1 8alakrlshnan 1 8amamurLhl k CrowLh and characLerlzaLlon of glyclne llLhlum sulphaLe slngle

crysLal CrysLal 8esearch and 1echnology 20064111848
2 8eck 8 Pakklnen A MalLheSrenssen u Andreassen ! 1he effecL of crysLalllzaLlon condlLlons
crysLal morphology and slze on pressure fllLraLlon of lgluLamlc acld and an aromaLlc amlne
SeparaLlon and urlflcaLlon 1echnology 20096634938
3 8ernardes CLS ledade MLM A fully auLomaLlc apparaLus for Lhermal analysls of crysLalllzaLlon
from soluLlon and meLasLable zone wldLh deLermlnaLlons !ournal of 1hermal Analysls and
CalorlmeLry 2010100493300
4 8hulyan MlP Mavlnlc uS 8eckle 8u nucleaLlon and growLh klneLlcs of sLruvlLe ln a fluldlzed bed
reacLor !ournal of CrysLal CrowLh 2008310118794
3 8uLLerworLhPelnemann Pandbook of lndusLrlal CrysLalllzaLlon Second LdlLlon ed Manager of
Speclal Sales 8uLLerworLhPelnemann 223 Wlldwood Avenue Woburn MA 018012041
6 Choong kL SmlLh 8 CpLlmlzaLlon of baLch coollng crysLalllzaLlon Chemlcal Lnglneerlng Sclence
7 Czapla l olenske u klukas L Lorenz P SeldelMorgensLern A Cycllc auLoseeded polyLhermal
preferenLlal crysLalllzaLlonLffecL of lmpurlLy accumulaLlon Chemlcal Lnglneerlng and
rocesslng rocess lnLenslflcaLlon 201049228
8 uevos C Cabrlelll C 1rlbolleL 8 nucleaLlongrowLh process of scale elecLrodeposlLlonlnfluence
of Lhe mass LransporL LlecLrochlmlca AcLa 20063228391
9 uevos C !akab S Cabrlelll C !olreL S 1rlbolleL 8 lcarL S nucleaLlongrowLh process of scale
elecLrodeposlLlon lnfluence of Lhe magneslum lons !ournal of CrysLal CrowLh 20093114334
10 CaeLano L lsoLacLlc polypropylene crysLalllzaLlon Analysls and modellng Luropean olymer
!ournal 2011471097112
11 Cromlha MM arry uA CharacLerlsLlc feaLures of amlno acld resldues ln colledcoll proLeln
sLrucLures 8lophyslcal chemlsLry 200411193103
12 PslenPsln 1ung LL Mlchael Mldler !ames A McCauley CrysLalllzaLlon of Crganlc Compounds
An lndusLrlal erspecLlve llrsL LdlLlon ed ubllshed slmulLaneously ln Canada A !ohn Wlley
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13 lvan v Markov loC 8ulgarlan Academy of Sclences Sofla 8ulgarla CrysLal CrowLh lor
8eglnners lundamenLals of nucleaLlon CrysLal CrowLh and LplLaxy Second LdlLlon ed 3 1oh
1uck Llnk Slngapore 396224 uSA oflce 27 Warren SLreeL SulLe 401402 Packensack n! 07601
uk oflce 37 ShelLon SLreeL CovenL Carden London WC2P 9PL World SclenLlflc ubllshlng Co
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13 !ancarlk ! klm SP Sparse maLrlx sampllng A screenlng meLhod for crysLalllzaLlon of proLelns

!ournal of Applled CrysLallography 19912440911
16 !arreLL !1 Lansbury !r 1 Seedlng onedlmenslonal crysLalllzaLlon of amylold A paLhogenlc
mechanlsm ln Alzhelmers dlsease and scraple? Cell 19937310338
17 !lang S Ler PorsL !P CrysLal nucleaLlon 8aLes from robablllLy ulsLrlbuLlons of lnducLlon 1lmes
CrysLal CrowLh ueslgn 20111123661
18 kandasamy A Mohan 8 Lydla Carollne M vasudevan S nucleaLlon klneLlcs growLh solublllLy
and dlelecLrlc sLudles of Lprollne cadmlum chlorlde monohydraLe seml organlc nonllnear opLlcal
slngle crysLal CrysLal 8esearch and 1echnology 20084318692
19 kashchlev u 8orlssova A Pammond 88 8oberLs k! LffecL of coollng raLe on Lhe crlLlcal
undercoollng for crysLalllzaLlon !ournal of CrysLal CrowLh 2010312698704
20 keel 18 1hompson C uavles MC 1endler S!8 8oberLs C! AlM sLudles of Lhe crysLalllzaLlon and
hablL modlflcaLlon of an exclplenL maLerlal adlplc acld lnLernaLlonal !ournal of harmaceuLlcs
21 kuboLa n A new lnLerpreLaLlon of meLasLable zone wldLhs measured for unseeded soluLlons
!ournal of CrysLal CrowLh 200831062934
22 kuboLa n An lnLerpreLaLlon of Lhe meLasLable zone wldLh concernlng prlmary nucleaLlon ln anLl
solvenL crysLalllzaLlon !ournal of CrysLal CrowLh 2008310464731
23 kuhberger M Mersmann A lmproved roducL CuallLy aL a Coollng CrysLalllzaLlon rocess by
MeasuremenL and ConLrol of SupersaLuraLlon Chemlcal Lnglneerlng 8esearch and ueslgn
24 Laxmldhar 8esra a Mellln Llu b A revlew on fundamenLals and appllcaLlons of elecLrophoreLlc
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23 Lln SW ng kM Wlbowo C SynLhesls of crysLalllzaLlon processes for sysLems lnvolvlng solld
soluLlons CompuLers Chemlcal Lnglneerlng 20083293670
26 Llu ? Wang ! Wel P ueLermlnaLlon of crysLalllzaLlon klneLlcs ln soluLlon !ournal of CrysLal
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27 Maeda k klm 8 klm ? lukul k nucleaLlon monlLorlng ln coollng crysLalllzaLlon wlLh a quarLz
crysLal osclllaLor AnalyLlca Chlmlca AcLa 200633833744
28 Manuel Carcia8ulz ! nucleaLlon of proLeln crysLals !ournal of SLrucLural 8lology 200314222
29 MlLchell nA lrawley ! nucleaLlon klneLlcs of paraceLamoleLhanol soluLlons from meLasLable
zone wldLhs !ournal of CrysLal CrowLh 201031227406
30 nornlzar Anuar Wan 8amll Wan uaud kevln ! 8oberLs1 SlLl karLom kamarudln and SlLl
Masrlnda 1aslrln An LxamlnaLlon of Lhe SoluLlon ChemlsLry nucleaLlon klneLlcs CrysLal
Morphology and olymorphlc 8ehavlor of Aqueous phase
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31 Cgrady u 8arreLL M Casey L Clennon 8 1he LffecL of Mlxlng on Lhe MeLasLable Zone WldLh
and nucleaLlon klneLlcs ln Lhe AnLlSolvenL CrysLalllzaLlon of 8enzolc Acld Chemlcal Lnglneerlng
8esearch and ueslgn 20078394332
32 aul L 1ung P Mldler M Crganlc crysLalllzaLlon processes owder 1echnology 2003130133
33 eLers 8 SupersaLuraLlon raLes and schedules nucleaLlon klneLlcs from lsoLhermal meLasLable
zone wldLhs !ournal of CrysLal CrowLh 20113177983
34 8evalor L Pammadl Z AsLler ! Crossler 8 Carcla L Poff C eL al usual and unusual
crysLalllzaLlon from soluLlon !ournal of CrysLal CrowLh 201031293946
33 8lchard ! u 1llley LmerlLus rofessor uoC CrysLals and CrysLal SLrucLures llrsL LdlLlon ed WesL
Sussex C19 8SC Lngland !ohn Wlley Sons LLd 1he ALrlum SouLhern CaLe ChlchesLer
36 Saavedra M Concelo LLC ousolerrelra ulnls M1 Amlno acld proflles of ulplodus sargus
(L 1738) larvae lmpllcaLlons for feed formulaLlon AquaculLure 200626138793
37 Sangwal k LffecL of lmpurlLles on Lhe meLasLable zone wldLh of soluLesolvenL sysLems !ournal
of CrysLal CrowLh 2009311403061
38 Sangwal k Cn Lhe effecL of lmpurlLles on Lhe meLasLable zone wldLh of phosphorlc acld !ournal
of CrysLal CrowLh 2010312331623
39 Sangwal k 8ecenL developmenLs ln undersLandlng of Lhe meLasLable zone wldLh of dlfferenL
soluLe-solvenL sysLems !ournal of CrysLal CrowLh 20113181039
40 SchuLh* l nucleaLlon and crysLalllzaLlon of sollds from soluLlon 200138993
41 Selvara[u k klrubavaLhl k vl[ayan n kumararaman S lnvesLlgaLlons on Lhe nucleaLlon klneLlcs
of bls glyclne sodlum nlLraLe !ournal of CrysLal CrowLh 2008310283962
42 Selvara[u k valluvan 8 kumararaman S LxperlmenLal deLermlnaLlon of meLasLable zone wldLh
lnducLlon perlod lnLerfaclal energy and growLh of nonllnear opLlcal Plppurlc acld slngle crysLal
MaLerlals LeLLers 200660134933
43 SmlLh L uuncan A 1homson C 8oberLs k Machln u McLeod C CrysLalllsaLlon of sodlum
dodecyl sulphaLe from aqueous soluLlon phase ldenLlflcaLlon crysLal morphology surface chemlsLry
and klneLlc lnLerface roughenlng !ournal of CrysLal CrowLh 200426348090
44 1lLlzsarguL S ulrlch ! AppllcaLlon of a proLecLed ulLrasound sensor for Lhe deLermlnaLlon of Lhe
wldLh of Lhe meLasLable zone Chemlcal Lnglneerlng and rocesslng 2003428416
43 1osl C lermanl S lallnl C Cavlra !A Carcla 8ulz !M PeLero vs Pomogeneous nucleaLlon of
roLeln CrysLals ulscrlmlnaLed by SupersaLuraLlon CrysLal CrowLh ueslgn 20111113428
46 1rlfkovlc M Shelkhzadeh M 8ohanl S ueLermlnaLlon of meLasLable zone wldLh for comblned
anLlsolvenL/coollng crysLalllzaLlon !ournal of CrysLal CrowLh 2009311364030
47 ulrlch ! !ones M lndusLrlal CrysLalllzaLlonuevelopmenLs ln 8esearch and 1echnology Chemlcal
Lnglneerlng 8esearch and ueslgn 200482136770
48 vollmer u 8alsch ! ConLrol of baLch crysLalllzaLlonA sysLem lnverslon approach Chemlcal
Lnglneerlng and rocesslng 20064387483
49 WanLha L llood AL CrysLal growLh raLes and secondary nucleaLlon Lhreshold for dl
meLhlonlne ln aqueous soluLlon !ournal of CrysLal CrowLh 201131811721
30 ?uan C AwaLe S Mlsra 8uk nonlsoLhermal crysLalllzaLlon behavlor of polypropyleneclay
nanocomposlLes Luropean olymer !ournal 20064219942003

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