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Chapter 11 Vocabulary Words

1) Introduction- the beginning of a speech or essay. 2) Quotation- the exact words someone else has said. 3) Narrative-the telling of a story. 4) Link- the statement that comes between the attention getter and the thesis logically, and it also develops a bridge between the audience and the topic. 5) Thesis Statement- the sentence that tells the audience exactly what you will be speaking about. 6) Preview Statement- one sentence at the end of the introduction that gives the audience an overview of the major areas that will be discussed in the body of the speech. 7) Body- is the heart, the brain, or even the nerve center of the entire presentation. 8) Outline- is the speakers map, which shows your form or direction. 9) Purpose Statement- is at the top of your outline, and states both your selected speech topic, and your specific purpose in speaking.

10) Subordination- is a form of ranking terms in order of importance. 11) Main Headings- are the major divisions, areas, or arguments of your purpose statement. 12) Supporting Materials- provide intensification and reinforcement for the main headings. 13) Chronological Pattern- a method of organization that puts things in a time sequence. 14) Climactic Pattern- when you organize your main headings in order of importance. 15) Spatial Pattern- dividing up your topic on the basis of space relationships. 16) Cause-Effect Pattern-when one area (the cause) leads directly to the other area (the effect). 17) Problem-Solution Pattern- presents a problem then provides ideas about how the problem can be solved.

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