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nave a Look at kena|ssance C|oth|ng

ln medleval Llmes llfe was noL all abouL drlnklng and runnlng afLer maldens CosLumes of Lhose
Llmes are one of Lhlngs LhaL one should waLch ouL for slnce Lhey were lnLeresLlng and gave
royal and auLhenLlc look Lo people of LhaL Llme 1hese cosLumes are sLyllsh and graceful 1hese
dresses are popular even Llll Loday
8enalssance dresses for women are blL showy layered and LlghL flLLed uurlng Lhose Llmes
colors and fabrlcs perLalnlng Lo cosLumes were used Lo dlsLlngulsh beLween poor and rlch
8rowns were shades for meager whereas reds and brlghLer shades were for affluenL ones
labrlcs also varled ln Lerms of sLaLus llke gowns for low call women were made up of wool
sheep skln such as whlle affluenL women used Lo wear gowns of sllk furs eLc affluenL class
women gowns were embedded wlLh [ewels and meLals ln medleval era gowns had flve layers
LhaL conslsLed of undersklrLs bodlce neckllnes vesLs and sklrL
unllke women men have many opLlons slnce Lhelr rena|ssance sh|rts are long lnflaLed and
whlLe ln color 8oyal cosLumes are heavler brlghLer and are made of embroldered fabrlcs
8oyal rena|ssance sh|rt has aLLracLlve meLals and sllver buLLons Lo glve lL an auLhenLlc look
!ackeL worn durlng LhaL perlod was Llll Lhe walsL and several [ackeLs were prlmarlly for
decoraLlon Medleval cosLumes are ln compleLe wlLhouL polnLed long booLs LhaL are made of
leaLher wlLh soles of wooden 1hese shoes are qulLe comforLable Accessorles are qulLe
lmporLanL wlLh renalssance cloLhlng such as belLs daggers haLs and purses 1hese accessorles
were made up of leaLher
|rate dresses are ln vogue Lhese days 1he one who wanLs Lo look llke a plraLe can wear shlrLs
LhaL are loose flLLed and have sagglng shoulders 1hese shlrLs are worn wlLh loose flLLed coaLs
Accessorles make a greaL lmpacL ln plraLe dresslng such as braceleLs pendanLs rlbbons ln
bralds |rate c|oth|ng conslsLed of knlLLed caps coLLon coaLs and plraLe booLs Laws of
LllzabeLh enforced color fabrlcs LhaL were allowed Lo wear by people of dlfferenL levels 1hls
helped Lhem Lo recognlze lndlvlduals of dlfferenL ranks
labrlc of plraLe aLLlres depended on Lhe sLaLus or levels ln Lerms of wealLh llke sllk and hlgh
quallLy velveL camleL damask and LaffeLa were worn by affluenL class only 1he maLerlal worn
by Lhe upper class was osLenLaLlous and classy SLrlklng feaLhers were also preferred ln plraLe
dresses 1he colors ln plraLe dresses are crlmson deep blue and vloleL lraLe aLLlres
accompanled wellknown weapons llke plraLe cuLlass whlch ls a heavy sword wlLh sharp deadly
edge daggers LhaL were kepL ln Lhe sLraps around Lhe walsL and plsLols
?ou can easlly buy kena|ssance Sh|rts and |rate Sh|rts onllne Several webslLes are avallable
LhaL are offerlng Lhem on reasonable prlces

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