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lt is o normo/ doy

lo o fot fot owoy tbe loq Iooo Motpoez ls lo tbe well obkotoo wbeo
soJJeoly tbe well ls oocoottolleJ ooJ cotcbes flte
Iuan Pelp! Pelp! lease Lhe well ls ln flre!
Jblle lo tbe offlce of nolllbottoo tbey wete ooolyzloq tbe lofotmotloo of wells
of sootb teqloo of tbe stote of 1obosco tbe eoqloeet Jllllom Aoqolo Iose
kemeJlos leJto Cotclo ooJ wllbett wbeo tbey tecelveJ o coll ftom tbe
eoqloeet jooo motpoez tbey tecelveJ o coll ftom jooo motpoez wbo ls tbe
eoqloeet lo cbotqe of tbe well obkotoo wltb oo lofotmotloo tbot tbe well wos
lo oocoottol ooJ boJ o blq flte so beoty qove bls polot of vlew
nry flrsL of all l wanL Lo be shure l am really noL used Lo solvlng problems anyway ln
order Lo be able Lo solve Lhe problem of Lhe well brlcol 2 we would have Lo know Lhe
denslLy of Lhe drlll fluld also we would need Lo know Lhe LoLal depLh of Lhe well
9ro of course l used Lo do lL when l worked as a well conLroller ln my lasL [ob l Lhlnk
LhaL we musL know Lhe real condlLlon of Lhe well Who has Lhe lnformaLlon of Lhe brlcol
Ios l have Lhe lnformaLlon LeL me check kan celba forwards lease send me all Lhe
lnformaLlon abouL Lhe well brlcol
W||brt l have Lhe logglng ln my offlce l wlll be back l wlll go by Lhem
Iuan oh my god! ?ou now lL's my flrsL [ob and l don'L have any experlence l was sLlll
geLLlng used Lo worklng so whaL can we do?
Arturo ok parLners we can aLLack Lhe problem effecLlvely we could hear Lhe speclallsL ln
unconLrolled wells
W||||ams look l propose a soluLlon ln Lhls momenL We can Lry Lo sLop Lhe unconLroll lf
we lncrease Lhe denslLy we'll flx Lhe problem
9ro walL we can'L lncrease Lhe denslLy because we don'L know Lhe real condlLlon of
Lhe well
nry yes l belleve LhaL Lhls ls Lhe beLLer we would walL for Chable englneer whlL Lhe
lnformaLlon lf we are wrong we'll make a mlsLake and Lhe lmpacL wlll be caLasLrophlc
Ios we have Lhe lnformaLlon and daLa accordlng Lo Lhls well used when a well has
problems wlLh hlgh pressure
W||||ams well ln Lhls case we would be Lo check Lhe hlsLory of well
Arturo hey parLners here ls Lhe logglng accordlng Lhls daLa Lhe well ls locaLed ln a falled
Iuan| oh my god! SLop donL make Llme! And harry up!
9ro Lake lL easy [uanl We all know LhaL you are sLlll noL used Lo confronLlng Lhls klnd of
W||brt 1haLs rlghL! 8e easy and don'L worry 1hese englneers are used Lo seelng Lhls all
Lhe Llme
nryl'm sure LhaL we wlll geL conLrolllng Lhe flre l know how Lo sLablllze Lhe pressure
because l used Lo do lL ln my lasL [ob
W||||amMoreover we shouldn'L be pesslmlsL ?ou can be sure LhaL we wlll shuL down Lhe
Ioshey! l have found all Lhe lnformaLlon LhaL we need
9ro LeL me check Ch! 1haL's rlghL now we have Lo check all Lhe daLa
ArturoAnd l LhoughL LhaL lf we were uslng a slmulaLor we wouldn'L have any problem
Iuan?ou are rlghL ArLuro buL whaL happened was LhaL we dldn'L know how Lo Lake a
declslon properly
W||brt?eah lf wehad Laken a good declslon a Llme we wouldn'L be flghLlng wlLh Lhls
nryl have [usL found Lhe correcL pressure
9ro And l have already checked all Lhe lnformaLlon LhaL chable glve us and Lhe daLa ls
W||||am lf we have all Lhe necessary why don'L we harry up?
1oosCk leL's go!
oys lotet tbey bove stoppeJ tbe well wblcb wos lo flte ooJ oow tbey ote
ploooloq to qo oot lo tbls woy fotqet oboot tbot occlJeot
ArturoCops!llnally we have Lo supporL Lhe pressure l would llke Lo be ln bed
nry ?esl Lold you LhaL Lhls would be flne now l also feel so Llred
Iuan| Pey! Pow abouL ganglng ouL afLer work? l also need Lo relax
W||brt yeah! l would llke Lo go ouL and forgeL abouL worklng
9ro 1haL's rlghL! l'm very Llred and l wanL Lo geL ouL Loo Where would you llke Lo go?
W||||am Well l would llke Lo go Lo Lhe SC8L8AnC WA and drlnk so much!
Ios mmml prefer drlnklng ln Lhe 8LS1lCL because lLs funny Lo be looklng glrls
danclng on Lhe Lable
Arturo Well l have plans abouL golng ouL wlLh my glrlfrlend We are golng Lo have dlnner
8uL lf l could go wlLh you l would llke Lo go Lo Lhe SC8L8AnC Loo
9ro noL aL all! l am noL used Lo drlnklng ln Lhose places We can look for anoLher one
Iuaneveryone! As we used Lo do lL Why donL we go Lo Lhe clnema?
W||brtCalm down [uanl! We wlll lnLroduce you some glrls
Ios?eah! Come wlLh us and you won'L regreL!
Iuanha ha ha! ([a[a[a!)!lorgeL abouL lL! l have never been ln a 8A8 and l am noL used
Lo golng Lhere
W||||amuon'L worry"?ou wlll geL used Lo
nryLlsLen!l can hear LhaL someone of us wanLs Lo go Lo a bar 8uL !uan doesn'L wanL
so flrsL we can go Lo Lhe clnema and Lhen we can go Lo Lhe bar
Ios1haL's Ck Why noL?
W||brt1haL sounds llke a good ldea!
ArturolL seems greaL! 8ecause l am golng Lo be back aL home aL around LhaL Llme and
hence l wlll go wlLh you
IuanSodon'L forgeL abouL lL
9robuL now we musL reLurn Lo our [ob Lo flnlsh as soon as posslble
W||||am 1haL's rlghL edro l haven'L Lype any daLa yeL
nryAnd l need Lo go Lo Lhe lx1AL84 Lo check lf everybody ls worklng
1oos1hen lll see you laLer

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