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1he Ceneral manager (A) PC

kL 8havan
new uelhl30

Sub8equesL for Lransfer from CM CuMA Lo CM WesL Area

8especLed Slr

l am worklng as CS1 ln CM CuMA and posLed ln CCA18 Parl nagar new uelhl l wanL Lo Lransfer ln CM
WesL area secLor 6 dwarka new uelhl because l am kldney paLlenL and havlng regular dlalasls Lwlce a
week l am unable Lo Lravel long dlsLance due Lo my physlcal problems as l am dlabeLlc and hyperLenslon
also ?ou are requesLed Lo klndly favor me and Lransfer me Lo under CMArea secLor6 1elephone
Lxchange uwarka

1hanklng you

romlla devl ka[la
Lmployee nod0700643
llaL no128secLor3pockeL 1 2dda flaLs
new uelhl110078

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