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Lngllsh conversaLlon

8? PCnL

A Cood afLernoon May l help you ?
u ls Lhls C Parrls PoLel ?
A ?es 8lghL 1hls ls C Parrls PoLel
u l wanL Lo book a room uouble wlLh bed ln Lhe Lop floor
A Ckay leL me check lf Lhere any room avallable
A ?es Lhere ls a room avallable Pow Long would you llke Lo sLay ?
u !usL Lhree days
A lnclude breakfasL ?
u ?es Pow much lL cosL per day ?
A lL's only 1000 pounds
u Well 1haL's flne WhaL faclllLles are Lhere ?
A We provlde you many useful faclllLles such as flLness cenLer swlmmlng pool eLc
u Ah yes l looklng for Lhe flLness cenLer dld Lhe flLness equlpmenL ls compleLe ?
A ?es our equlpmenL ls compleLe you can use lL anyLlme
u CreaL okey Lhen
A Could l have your name please ?
u lL's uexLer uLx1L8
A okey leL me asslgn you ln Lhe reservaLlon llsL 1hls ls your conflrmaLlon number 8ACu123
u All rlghL
A 1hank you for chooslng C Parrls PoLel Pave a nlce uay

AL PoLel

u Lxcuse me slr
A ?es May l help you ?
u l'm already book a room
A Could you Lell me Lhe conflrmaLlon code ?
u oh okay lL's 8ACu walL a mlnuLe l'll Lry Lo remember lL Cw yeah lL's 8ACu123
A Ah l remember you're Lhe one LhaL asklng Lhe flLness cenLer rlghL ?
u LhaL's me
A Welcome Lo C Parrls hoLel
u 1hls ls nlce hoLel
A 1hank you slr now may l asslsL you Lo your room ?
u Ch okey no problem leL me carry my bag
A ?ou don'L have Lo Leave lL Lo me slr
u Lhank you very much for your help

% Arrlve aL Lhe room aL noon )

A 1hls ls your room slr and here's your key
u okey Lhanks
A Lhem Lhls ls Lhe Llme Lo Lake a lunch slr Would you llke Lo eaL now ?
u ?es l would l'm huuungry
A Should we go Lo Lhe dlnlng room please slr ?
u Ch walL walL LeL me puL my bag ln my room
A As you wlsh
u okey l'm ready LeL's go !
A All rlghL slr lollow me

% AL ulnlng 8oom )

u WhaL a large dlnlng room !
A 1hank you slr we provlde our guesL wlLh Lhe besL
u nlce
A leel free Lo choose Lhe Lable
u Ckey l wlll Lake Lhls Lable Lhen !
A as you wlsh slr !
A now l wlll go so feel free Lo order Lhe meal LhaL you llke slr !
u Ckey 1hanks for Lhe servlce !
A ?ou're welcome !

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