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ANALYISIS OF ADVERTISEMENTS 1.Who are the participants? 2.What do they do? 3.What key objects are featured? 4.

What part is played by words (choice of words, typography/voiceover)? 5.What part is played by the use of sound and/or light? 6.What significance might all of these features have for the intended viewers/readers/listeners? 7.How else does the ad seek your involvement? 8.With what is the product associated? 9.What does the product seem to symbolize? 10.What does the ad seem to suggest about gender roles, class/status, age, ethnicity or self-identity?

8. Vitae Shelters
For Vitae in Portugal.

13. Don't drink and drive

Pretty straightforward message. You get to see how your car is going to look like.

15. Ultra Thin Macbook Pro

A magazine ad. People is kinda tired of this stuff now and this ad in particular is not a huge deal, but curious none the less.

18. Unstick your style

Dove's Volumizing Mousse applied to cartoon girls.

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